June Chat

ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
A new month - a new chat topic. A great place to get to know each other & gain support and motivation!



  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 453 Member
    Happy JUNE!!!

    The weather here has been great, so I've been able to get out in the yard and muck around. I can't see any difference in the yard, but.. it feels good to be out in the fresh air.

    I have no idea if I've lost weight. My check up with my doc last week was good, so I will hold on to that for now.

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Had a great day here too....... I am up over 18,000 steps ... walking, running, gardening........ good start to this lovely month

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    Hi all,
    It is a gorgeous day up here in Quebec - at last some warmth and sun! I'm just getting through a stupid cold, so I don't have a lot of energy, but will walk "across the mountain" in Montreal to get to where I stay when I am in town. I am lucky to live out in the middle of nowhere (woods, gravel roads, horses, great air!) but I have to work in Montreal and I stay over 1-2 nights a week to avoid the commute more than necessary. Tonight's a city night, so to take advantage of the beautiful weather I'll walk for about 90 minutes to get there, with a good big hill to go up and down in the middle. Beats the gym on a day like this!

    Yesterday I rode my horse for an hour, but took it easy as I wasn't feeling particularly peppy with this cold. Today is a bit better, and later this week we'll get back to our usual routine of more strenuous workouts for both of us, and then the TRX and other sweaty stuff for me. He gets to go back out and stuff his face on the lovely grass. Eats all day and his ribs still show. hmmmph.

    So Jen, you want to be my press-ups buddy? Progress is slow and difficult... maybe we can inspire each other.

    have a good one!
  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Everyone and happy June. Lovely weather at last in Ontario. I think it is appreciated so much more because of our harsh winter with so much snow, ice storms and bitter cold. It's so nice to work outside in the garden or just sit and enjoy. I've been trying to get some exercise everyday but must STOP mall walking because every time I go I BUY something!!! :ohwell: I continue to go to my exercise group on Tues. & Thurs. mornings and I am amazed at how much I enjoy the exercise and it's because of the great group. I volunteer at our local hospital Mon. & Wed. mornings and while my job is mostly sitting I have to get up a lot and there is also quite a bit of walking and today I made myself take the stairs instead of the elevator. Every little bit helps :smile: I really enjoy your posts so keep em coming!! :happy: Alex
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Hi everyone! It is june and I love it. In Florida it means heat, humidty and bugs - ahhhh that is home. I am looking forward to some weight loss this month, plan on increasing my steps per day. Currently only at about 3000, but I have had two knee replacements so it is slow going. Hope everyone has a wonderful and productive month of June!
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    I just got home this morning from an 11 day cruise to Alaska and Canada. I tried to eat with some restraint and was somewhat successful. At most meals, I ate fish or seafood with fruit for breakfast and lunch. Some mornings, I couldn’t resist the cream cheese, Lox and bagels. I’ll find out what the damage is at tomorrow’s weigh in. The food that they serve is loaded with sodium and my ankles and calves are swollen so I know some of my weight gain will be fluid retention, but I should get rid of that within a few days of proper eating.

    I am back to my good eating and will head back to the gym tomorrow.

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Welcome back Chuck ... apart from the food, how was that cruise...iwe are not cruisers but that Alaska one is on my husband's to do list!

  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Where did you cruise to? We lived in Alaska for 7 years, I'm a Florida girl but I miss Alaska. It is incredible
  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    Good day everyone - the weather has finally been wonderful here in Atlantic Canada and I've been getting some walks in - I know SHOCKING for a member of the sloth group. There are some bad influences in this group that want to get you off your butt and moving and they now have me in their spell. Deb I would love to be a Florida girl for 6 months out of the year - I hate the cold, but I did hear that the cruise to Alaska is wonderful. Does it live up to the hype Chuck?

    Jean,Cris, Alex you are doing great - I think Jolly June is doing wonders for all of us.


  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Off topic a little: I need to use up some frequent flyer miles so am thinking about booking a vacation. Beware my Canadian friends, because I'm thinking Quebec City (I can't afford the hotels in Paris or the Euro exchange rate, so...). In fact, while am at it, I might bring back to you some Canada geese. We in Franklin County, Ohio, wish you had never sent them this way. We often refer to them as "those feathered Canadian rats!"

    In the winter, could you also keep the Alberta Clippers up there, too! That jet stream pattern wreaks havoc here in the mid-west!

    Actually, I love Canada, and it is always high on my list of destinations. But...I have never been to Quebec City.

    Deb: I can't stand the heat. I actually do better with the cold. Don't know how you handle it.

    Chuck: The Alaskan cruise sounds like something I would enjoy (much more than in the Caribbean). I've always wanted to take the train trip from Fairbanks to Anchorage, too, with a couple day stay in Denali.

    Holly: We are like the pod people! We will get you on our side. Besides, look at your great loss this week! :drinker:

  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Joan, Deb, Holly, and Charlie,

    We love Alaska. This is our second cruise there, the first in 2011. We live in the San Francisco East Bay, so, since this cruise left and returned to San Francisco, we took a limo to Pier 35 and saved on airfare.

    We went to Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway and Victoria, BC. We went on excursions in each port and saw Humpback Whales, porpoise, seals, Bald Eagles and moose, but no bear this trip. We went up Tracy Arm Fjord to Sawyer Glacier. There were a lot of ice bergs from white to deep blue. The sheer granite walls of the narrow fjord reviled the beauty and grandeur of El Capitan.

    On our first trip, we took the land excursion to Denali and stayed there several days. In Skagway, we boarded the White Pass and Yukon Rail Road and followed the Yukon River up to the US/Canadian border at White Pass then on to the Yukon and Carcross (Caribou Crossing).

    We would like to go to Alaska again but head out on our own instead of taking any excursions.


    p.s. I only gained two pounds!
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Joan, Deb, Holly, and Charlie,

    We love Alaska. This is our second cruise there, the first in 2011. We live in the San Francisco East Bay, so, since this cruise left and returned to San Francisco, we took a limo to Pier 35 and saved on airfare.

    We went to Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway and Victoria, BC. We went on excursions in each port and saw Humpback Whales, porpoise, seals, Bald Eagles and moose, but no bear this trip. We went up Tracy Arm Fjord to Sawyer Glacier. There were a lot of ice bergs from white to deep blue. The sheer granite walls of the narrow fjord reviled the beauty and grandeur of El Capitan.

    On our first trip, we took the land excursion to Denali and stayed there several days. In Skagway, we boarded the White Pass and Yukon Rail Road and followed the Yukon River up to the US/Canadian border at White Pass then on to the Yukon and Carcross (Caribou Crossing).

    We would like to go to Alaska again but head out on our own instead of taking any excursions.


    p.s. I only gained two pounds!

    Only two lbs - you did awesome. I miss all those places. We lived in Kodiak - it is an incredible island. We drove the Alcan and Cassair highways 4 times, also a great trip if you ever get to do it. My husband was in the coast guard in Kodiak, so we got to fly to all those places, plus Sitka, Adak and some more northern places. simply incredible.

    Look forward to chatting with everyone - have a great month
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Speaking of Alaska, we booked a cruise to Alaska for two weeks in August; all of which is on hold now because of my broken ankle. I might be doing rehab instead. If we don't use the tickets this year, we can use them next year. It was supposed to be for my 65th birthday present (which was in February.) We decided to wait and see how my walking abilities are before making our decision.

    Charlie, I highly recommend a Carribean cruise, that was our first (and last) cruise, it was so wonderful. I truly did not want to disembark from the Princess cruise ship. But I did love our trip to Canada. I am part French and loved Quebec.

  • Good morning friends, it's early here in Indianapolis, Indiana (6:20) but my favourite time of the day. All your trips sound exciting...I think I'm jealous. My hubby is an avid bowler, and bowls in 2 summer leagues and 5 winter leagues, so our traveling is limited to summer, which is ok. We love taking trains to Chicago, Illinois and sightseeing. We took the train to Washington DC several years ago. Such a beautiful scenic train ride that was. We are thinking of another day trip soon to visit Abe Lincoln home, museum, etc in Illinois.
    I'm off for my early morning walk....have a good day.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Had to decide on whether to go for a run or tackle the huge pile of holiday ironing....so I did both....multi-tasking at it's best....I did the ironing while dancing and jigging around to my beloved vinyl...The Best Of Fats Domino and Eddie Cochrane did the job and added 6000 steps to my pedometer...got so warm I ended up having to open the window.... a feeling of smug satisfaction here...lol :laugh:

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi there all of you Jolly Juners!!
    (the spell check keeps telling me there is no such word as Juners! They just don't know!!)

    I have a real mess to clean up but decided I would rather talk to you! I was fixing a yogurt parfait but dropped the dish which broke so I have glass and blueberries everywhere :grumble:
    But decided to eat the parfait before cleaning!!

    It is amazing how the wheat is ripening day by day. When I am walking it is so neat to see the change in 24 hours. It is that time of the year. It is just so discouraging that there isn't going to many wheat kernels inside the heads. It is not going to be a profitable harvest in any way, just not enough rain or moisture of any kind since September.

    Well the parfait was wonderful! But the mess is still waiting sooooo
    I need to say - onward and downward for Jolly June!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,273 Member
    What a great June chat! Trips to Alaska, cruises in the Caribbean, visitors hopefully coming to Québec (I'm about 2 hours from Québec city, 1.5 from Montreal), blueberries and yogurt all over the floor, and general infectious June giddiness. I love the idea of the 6000 steps while still getting the ironing done, Jean - you have given me hope for housework!

    I had a fantastic day today - my daughter picked me up and we went to ride our wonderful horse in the beautiful sunshine. He is just learning jumping, and working up his general strength and agility, so it was trotting poles, cantering poles, small jumps, and all kinds of shapes to keep his little brain working as hard as the rest of him. He was doing so well, and seemed to enjoy it as much as we did. Then we did boring errands, got hungry, and ate somewhat unadviseable food with great gusto.

    Sadly, a long day at work tomorrow - I love these stolen days like today when I am supposed to be working from home. I'll pay later, but it was great.

    Happy Friday tomorrow, everyone ----
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    No sitting around in rocking chairs all day for THIS group! :flowerforyou: Made it safely to Wisconsin. What I did wrong today: #1) Not planned for lunch. Will do better on my way back in a week, when I'll be stuck in airport/plane for hours around dinner. #2) No where near 8 glasses of water. By choice, though due to the lack of availability of bathrooms on the road and in the car (I don't count plane facilities as real bathrooms).

    What I did right: #1) By the time I landed in Milwaukee I was starving! We were half an hour late landing, car wasn't ready for another half hour then I had an almost two hour drive to my destination. But I waited, stopped at a grocery store before arriving at my mom's house, where I'm staying alone, and got salad makings, bottled water & yogurt. Wolfed it down :laugh: 2) Got in over 10,000 steps just from running around, even though I was in a car or plane almost 7 hours today.

    Bonus: while waiting for my car, I chatted with a lady who turned out to be first runner up from Voice Season #1. She was on her way to headline at a local (large) festival. Very cool.

    Tomorrow will be a long day - spending all day visiting Mom at the nursing home then dinner with some family. I'm tired - taking my Kindle and headed to bed. Wonder if there is stuff stashed around here to make coffee in the morning ....

    Will post when I can - have a great Friday everyone!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Reba, glad you enjoyed the parfait. Sorry about the mess and especially about the wheat situation. I hope your season is not completely ruined.

    Jugar, how exciting to ride horses and do so much with them. I would love to try riding but I am afraid :-(

    Ker, you did so well today. Take deep breaths and one day at a time. You are strong, you are a new person, it'll work out.

  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,201 Member
    Happy June Everyone: I cannot believe it is already the 6th of June. Things are finally settling down after Mum's eye lid surgery. Pretty shocking after surgery, think a beat up eye like in the Rocky movie and that was her eye: swollen, bloody raw looking! As the surgeon said they did a lot more this time but it went very well. Easy for him to say he didn't have to look at her eye for the days following! :grumble: every hour for 3 days we had to apply cold packs for 15 minutes, but not during the night! Mum, of course, didn't complain and she is a good healer, thank goodness. The whole side of her face was black and blue etc. went back for the follow up with the surgeon and all looks good and thankfully the stitches are holding and no infection, YIPPEE. Took her out yesterday to the bank and grocery store and as her eye is still quick bruised I'm surprised I didn't get accused of senior abuse! The ladies know her at the bank so they were very concerned for her and took the time to discuss her week with her. These small kindnesses I really appreciated!

    Good news regarding my MIL, as some of you recall we sold her house within 3 days but then she was concerned if they would have a suite available in the retirement residence she plans to go into: yep, the exact suite on the south side is now available as the other person decided to pass as they are not quite ready to make the move yet. We are taking it as of July 1 though her house sale doesn't close until July 31. We can get her settled in in early July so she can go up to her summer cottage in July and just come home at the end of the month for the paper work. I will be so pleased when this is settled! So I guess we now will be back up her place packing, etc and we still have to find time to open the cottage! My DH and I have do some planning now as all my time has been devoted to my Mum. Wish I was travelling to Alaska, sounds amazing and like Claudine horses frighten me a little. Sorry Jugar :blushing: my SIL used to ride and at one time had a country place but after her DH died tragically in a tractor accident she sold the property and horses and moved back into the city. She used to ride English saddle but took some lesson for western and has been out to Rockies several times and went out trail riding and camping for over a week and really enjoyed herself. Hey, I was really brave and used to give her horse some apple! :ohwell:

    Enjoyed reading all your posts, too many of you to address individually, but that happily is a great thing as we have so many in our group now :flowerforyou:

    The weather is perfect by my standards, warm sunny blue skies, no humidity and a slight breeze .... Ah, life is good. It's Friday so looking to enjoy a glass of red wine tonight and Yes, I did plan for it in my diary :drinker: Cheers Everyone, Marian