Half in sept, marathon in Dec?



  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    I myself am training for my first HM in late July (essentially working Hal's beginning program). A bit on the fence on whether or not to try for a full in mid October. Likely going to be patient however. If the half goes well I'll likely take a few weeks off, and possibly just run a 10K or too this fall (or even run the HM at that same event in October) and then start thinking about a marathon plan.

    Problem is being in a cold weather area, unless I want to do a lot of training in snowy dark conditions I may very well end up not being able to run that marathon until early summer.
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    I started running October 2011 with C25k.

    First 5K in January.

    First Half Marathon in June 2012

    First Marathon in November 2012, and I did a half about three weeks before it.

    I think they went OK.

    I didn't train for my first half. I just slowly ramped up mileage.

    I did a Pfitzinger plan for the Marathon. Obviously, I was marathon training when I did the half in October.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Problem is being in a cold weather area, unless I want to do a lot of training in snowy dark conditions I may very well end up not being able to run that marathon until early summer.

    I did all my training for this spring's marathon in snowy, dark conditions. You can run outside in the winter; people do it all the time. A headlamp and some yaktrax and you'll be ready to go.

    Also, most marathons are spring or fall. I wouldn't want to even think about running one in early summer when it could be hot. 70 is too hot for a marathon. 45°F is about perfect.
  • pmur
    pmur Posts: 223 Member
    Problem is being in a cold weather area, unless I want to do a lot of training in snowy dark conditions I may very well end up not being able to run that marathon until early summer.

    I did all my training for this spring's marathon in snowy, dark conditions. You can run outside in the winter; people do it all the time. A headlamp and some yaktrax and you'll be ready to go.

    Also, most marathons are spring or fall. I wouldn't want to even think about running one in early summer when it could be hot. 70 is too hot for a marathon. 45°F is about perfect.
    I don't have that issue in TX! I'd love some summer running tips though. I'm doing the bulk of my HM training in peak summer and was thinking of doing it on an indoor track a couple of times a week and outside very early or very late in the day a couple of times a week. I hate running when the sun is burning down on me. The temps are already in the 80s and 90s here.