Ladies with THICK legs



  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    Muscle is smaller than fat. Doing strength training will decrease the circumference of both the calf and thigh.

    Why do people say this is true? I have read it about a flat stomach too. If you can't spot reduce, surely, until you lose the fat you are actually making the area bigger by ADDING muscle? So shouldn't the only option for reducing losing more fat? Just confused.

    because it's true but it takes time, diligence and some smart work into it.
    what you said is not quite true, however. Adding muscle is not as easy as we often assume. Temporary increase of size is just the result of muscle swollen and fat layer not going down. It's temporary, just.

    I didn't say it was easy to build muscle. Isn't the thing that you are actually doing to make your legs smaller decreasing fat, when strength training, as well as building muscle. But the making your body smaller part actually coming from the decreasing fat rather than building muscle? Because you can't spot reduce the fat on your calves no matter how many calf raises you do (which will actually make your legs bigger until you remove the additional fat). It's the same principle of doing loads of sit-ups to get a flat stomach when you are overweight, but I still see people suggesting weight training for people who say their only excess weight is on their stomach. How will it help? I am not trying to start an argument, I am just wondering.
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    My thighs and calves are a lot bigger than yours. 28.5" thighs and 19" calves. I've lost 25 pounds but my calves haven't budged at all. And it's not just muscle, I know there's fat in them there calves. I HATE them. Next to my hips they're my most hated body part. They're absolutely disgusting, and I'm so scared I won't be able to make them smaller. It's so stupid.
  • irleshay
    irleshay Posts: 102 Member
    I have big calves. Just rock the shorts and dresses, *especially* if it's 100+ degrees out! And are you sure you haven't lost any in the calf area? I didn't think I had, until I realized there was a lot more room in my knee-high boots -- I bought the "wide" shaft and used to have trouble zipping them up, but now I can stick my whole hand in there with my calf. But my calves still feel big, like the hem of my capris catch on them. So we have big calves, but at least they're big, toned calves! ;)
  • jlgemma
    jlgemma Posts: 23 Member
    I agree with everyone else. Your legs have visibly changed and they look great! You have a perfect hourglass figure and should be proud of it!

    One suggestion to get them more ready for summer is to get a non-toxic sunless tanner (I like Lavera Sunless Tan) and bronze your legs a bit. I always hate my legs too in the summer but once I give them a little color I feel much better :)

    Good for you on the weight loss!
  • EatWholeFoods
    EatWholeFoods Posts: 174 Member
    I recently read if you do long distance training, your thighs shrink. It eats away at the muscle to do 75 min or longer of running or walking vs sprinters which will have bigger legs. I used to be a sprinter and I have gymnist looking legs. I believe thr article because in 2012 I did 75-90 min of elliptical and my legs were finally small. I guess I need long workouts and not faster and seems like bike bulks me up.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Oh boy, are my legs big. They always will be. Thighs currently 25'' and calves 16.5''. Unfortunately I didn't take measurements at the start. My waist keeps getting smaller and smaller (29'' right now) and my thighs and calves? Nope! It's like they don't even realize I've lost 27lb! It's upsetting but I'm trying to learn to accept it. I will clearly always have big legs. Now I'm focusing on finding clothes that flatter them. I feel pretty good in skirts and dresses as long as I have tights on, but I very rarely go bare legged. I am going to try Jillian Michael's ''Killer Buns and Thighs'' workouts to see if I can shift a few inches!

    It's VERY hard for me to find jeans. Ones that fit me on my thighs are way too big for my waist, and ones that should fit my waist often won't reach over my knees.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I've always, even at my far to underweight days of university, had larger calves. It's just what I'm blessed with. And yes, I see them as a blessing even if boot buying is tough. Because they have allowed me to be an amazing athlete and I'm so fortunate in that. In fact, I work on making them as muscular as I can because I think they look HOT when you can see the division in the muscles.

    Was I jealous once of those with straight up skinny legs? Heck yeah. But I no longer have time worrying about what other have that I don't. Cause I have muscular legs and I'm quite certain there are people who wish they had mine!
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    I would kill to have thick calves. So don't hate them ;)
  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    Most ladies who have thick legs, are just fat in my experience.

    You're 18.... you have no experience.
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    I hate feeling like EVERYONE stares at my GIANT calves!

    People aren't looking at you. They're too busy looking at themselves.

    A larger, muscular body is the potential for strength. Make something of your potential. And quit worrying about other people! :smile:


    great post

    be you, do you!
  • taramaclaren
    taramaclaren Posts: 95 Member
    Step mill. It's the best.
  • I've had the same problem! Except my thighs were thicker after my pregnancy....I tried everything, working them out more, less what have you...but my friend introduced me to this wrap thing that helps you detox and tighten skin... I'm sure you've seen it on FB. I've tried 4 wraps and my thighs are significantly thinner! I highly recommend! If you're interested I can send you the link just PM me.
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    Most ladies who have thick legs, are just fat in my experience.

    You're 18.... you have no experience.

    Way to go, 1HappyRedhead!
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    I've had the same problem! Except my thighs were thicker after my pregnancy....I tried everything, working them out more, less what have you...but my friend introduced me to this wrap thing that helps you detox and tighten skin... I'm sure you've seen it on FB. I've tried 4 wraps and my thighs are significantly thinner! I highly recommend! If you're interested I can send you the link just PM me.

    So if these wraps work then why the hell are you asking about it in your ridiculous I CAN'T SEE MY ABS THREAD?

    Stop promoting and selling fad bullsh!t. It's against the TOS anyway.
  • I agree, and it's so funny how we see our bodies so differently then other people. I've always been do jealous when I see women with big, huge calves. I have chicken sticks. I hate wearing shorts for the exact opposite reason! Would trade in a heartbeat!!
  • Crateria_
    Crateria_ Posts: 253 Member
    I love your legs!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    My calves ARE muscle though, under some fat! They are pretty solid.

    Your calves are not 16.75'' diameter and pure muscle. Even 6' tall competition bodybuilders don't have 16.75'' calves. You carry a higher percentage of fat in your legs because that is your bodytype thats all, no big deal. Since you cannot spot reduce fat when you lost weight you lost more weight in other areas of your body before your legs.

    You have fat stored in your thighs and calves and if you continue to lose fat they will, over time, get smaller.
  • MsLaToya30
    MsLaToya30 Posts: 29
    Honey I have the same issue, my legs and thighs are huge. I hold most of my weight there. I would love to be able to wear shorts, but I'm afraid everyone would say my legs are big. I can't wait until they go away..uggh.
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    I think we have opposite body types. My legs are similar in size to yours and they are the trimmest part of my body! I've actually always been rather proud of them because, like yours, they look muscular and strong. I am sure they could stand to lose some fat, but since the rest of me needs to lose MORE fat, I am quite pleased with them. I wear shorts and skirts with no embarrassment. Love yourself -- you look amazing and you should feel proud of your body now, even if you want to keep working on it.
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    I am embracing my tree truck legs (husband calls them that) AND my "man calves."