HELP!!! Should you eat your active calories back???



  • Thank you for the helpful advice. Good luck to all!!! :)
  • k_piggy
    k_piggy Posts: 9
    i eat them back plus more. your body burns calories just being alive so just eat if you are hungry
  • dmeyers1969
    dmeyers1969 Posts: 130 Member
    Yes, i did and initially lost 30 lbs.
  • unnamed101
    unnamed101 Posts: 14
    It really depends imho, i have a brother and sister who ate about the same as me as kids, but it was pretty obvious my bmr was much lower than theirs as I simply gained weight even eating below 1500 calories a day while they maintained less than 15% body fat, in my case dieting did little to nothing, however i started an intense cardio regimen and i was netting about 100-300 calories a day not including my BMR, and I feel fine (although somewhat diminshed when doing heavy calisthenics) and have shed about 20 pounds doing this, I know people who will swear by it being unhealthy, but staying overweight was definitely worse health wise.
  • Depends on your goals, calorie limits.. etc.
    This topic has lots of conflicting answers.
  • Okay, I'm new I know. I track my cals on my fuelband and since I've been adding the calories in to MFP no weight loss! Someone else told me to track it, but only mark 1 calorie. This way you can see how active you are and not use them; otherwise, add them and don't eat.