Eat Right For Your BloodType



  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I'm a fan of this diet

    Because I'm a vampire and when humans eat for their blood type I find they taste better

    Thankfully I eat lots of garlic. Doesn't do a thing for my social life, but it sure keeps the vampires away.

    I'm supposed to be descended from hunter gatherers. Considering I come from a long line of klutzes, I'm surprised any of them survived to breed. Deer are too fast and arrows are too sharp.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I have tried it for just over a month and didn't notice any differences when compared to just eating a more balanced diet.
    Mine was the type O diet, which suited me because I love red meat.
    But it was sometimes a little hard meeting my calories with so many foods restricted-no whey protein, no dairy, grains, seeds, or wheat or gluten, and an extensive list of forbidden fruit and veggies, nuts etc- some of my favourites :(
    I've never noticed any issues with any of the vegetables or fruits that were restricted for my type and really doubt eating them effects my weight loss or negatively effects my health.

    I'm not sure how it would go for ADHD, but for people trying to use it as a way to lose weight, I think it's a bad move if you have struggled previously with diets big on restrictions. I mean it's already enough of a challenge meeting your calories and macro goals. It's not something I could keep up, it was too much thinking, planning, worrying about what I can and can't eat every meal and every shopping trip took longer. I need my occasional treats, and cutting out healthy foods I enjoy sucks. I'm lucky it didn't make me just binge like crazy and give up.