But I ♥ my cup of coffee!



  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    As long as I'm under my calorie goals and I add it too my food diary I don't see a problem. I'm doing everything else right so I'm not going to deprive myself of the one thing I really enjoy.
  • it boosts your metabolism a little, but like the others said, what you put in it can make or break it!
  • Nexius8510
    Nexius8510 Posts: 16 Member
    There's nothing wrong with coffee itself. Like others said, easy on the cream and sugar and it can be a really great low calorie way to start your day. The only thing you have to watch is the caffeine. A little bit every day wont hurt you but it is a diuretic so, if you do, I recommend 1-2 extra cups of water every day for each cup of coffee that you drank that morning. Seems to be working pretty well for me! I do LOVE my coffee :)
  • I agree with everyone else, nothing wrong with drinking coffee in moderation as long as its not loaded down with stuff...I drink mine black, 1-2 cups in the am..Coffee actually is full of antioxidants which is a good thing!
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