"calorie crazies"



  • loriarty
    loriarty Posts: 33 Member
    My friends are actually really shocked about my diligence in making sure I log everything. Like if I go to one of their houses and they are cooking something, they'll let me scan the bar codes. I tend to apologize because I feel like I'm wasting their time, and they responded with "No it's cool, like seriously, I wish I could do that every day I would give up." And it makes me feel better. And when I first started, my mom would get annoyed as I scanned everything as we cooked, but now before I even ask, she just hands me the stuff to scan now. So I really haven't felt any pressure of anything other that support for logging. And I log EVERYTHING. I seriously, cannot eat something without logging it.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    It's easy for it to become obsessive, and you're right to try to find a balance. I am pretty diligent about weighing and logging everything, because it works for me. Well, to a point. It works in terms of managing my weight. Other people definitely think I'm obsessive, but I look at them, and the same people thinking I'm obsessive are the ones that are really struggling with their own weight.

    On the other hand, I am a bit obsessive, and I'm still working hard to find the right balance for myself. Not every single bite of food needs to be tracked. It's ok to have meals, or days where you don't track. Tracking can become obsessive, and it can also become a crutch, especially for people who are prone to mindless eating, emotional eating, binge eating etc. I think it's important to try to learn to eat moderately even when you aren't tracking, and sometimes the only way to do that is to take breaks from it.

    Calorie counting allows you to exert control over your appetite, and over your body. That control can feel wonderful, especially if you've felt out of control for so long. Unfortunately that control itself can be intoxicating and for some people, it spirals into restrictive eating disorders. Other people struggle with feeling too restricted and wanting the freedom that comes from letting go and not tracking - and may spiral into binge eating. Again, it's important to find a balance.

    As for what people think - I'm not too bothered because I know that this is a vital tool in maintaining my weight, and maintaining my weight is important. On the other hand, I realise that most people find calorie counting a little bit weird, and it can be annoying. I don't log my food in front of other people, and I don't talk about calorie counting unless someone asks. Some people know I do it, but I don't go on about it. It's nothing I'm ashamed of, but then I'm not one of those people that feels the need to share every detail of my life on facebook either.
  • WLG1974
    WLG1974 Posts: 90
    learn to like it
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I wouldn't give a crap about what my friends think.... take me or leave me... I will do what I need to do for myself and noone else and if that means I log in daily, then so be it.

    I stopped once - won't do that again.
  • i can be that way at times but, iv'e found that if i plan out my meals in the morning (at least breakfast, lunch and snacks) and log it all before I start the day and stick to exactly what I logged I do just fine. This also avoids people questioning what I'm doing.