Being made fun of at the gym?



  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    Too bad people can be so insensitive at times. I admire and respect anyone who is exercising (be it at the gym or out on a bike/jogging path or side of the road) no matter what their physical attributes are.
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    To the fatty running on the Westview track this afternoon:

    You, whose feet barely lift off the ground as you trudge around the track. You, who keeps the outside lane, footslogging in the wrong direction. You, who stops for water breaks every lap, and who would probably stop twice a lap if there were bleachers on both sides. You whose gaze drops to your feet everytime we pass. You, whose sweat drenches your body after you leave, completing only a single, 20-minute mile...Every shallow step you take, you carry the weight of more than two of me, clinging to your bones, begging to be shaken off. Each lap you run, you’re paying off the debt of another midnight snack, another dessert, another beer. It’s 20 degrees outside, but you haven’t let that stop your regimen. This isn’t your first day out here, and it certainly won’t be your last. You’ve started a journey that lasts a lifetime, and you’ve started it at least 12 days before your New Year’s resolution kicks in. You run without music, and I can only imagine the mantras running through your mind as you heave your ever-shrinking mass around the next lap. Let’s go, feet. Shut up, legs. F**k off, fat. If you’d only look up from your feet the next time we pass, you’d see my gaze has no condescension in it. I have nothing but respect for you.

    You’ve got this.'

    it just makes me smile.
    That is wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Very inspirational. Also, if that profile picture is you, WOW! You're beautiful. I hope that you shake that social anxiety. I'm glad that you found something that makes you smile.

    awww thank you x
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member

  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    I was listening to music whilst doing an exercise, when it stopped, I heard laughing from behind me and a few men commenting on me and how 'pathetic it was that the fatties still try' etc etc etc. I ignored them, which was hard, because they kept going at it for a fair few minutes. In retrospect, maybe I should have turned around and defended myself.

    Just do your best to ignore morons like that, what's pathetic are "men" like that and I use "men" loosely.
  • KandGRanch
    KandGRanch Posts: 131 Member
    Must be nice to have enough money to spend on a gym membership to do nothing but mock people. I'd tell them to shove a shaker bottle where the sun don't shine.
  • congruns
    congruns Posts: 127 Member
    Luckily I have pretty thick skin, and I don't really give a s**t what others think, but I can imagine that some people might never go back to the gym after something like that. It's a bit sad really.

    I basically, in a very long-winded way, wanted to say to people who have been made fun of at the gym or those who will be, just ignore the idiots and don't let them get to you. Cliché advice but :flowerforyou:

    That is a very awesome old school "sticks and stones" attitude. With cyberbully as the hot topic of today, seems people have become overly sensitive to what others think and forgot that "words will never hurt" anyone.
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    I was on a blind date once with a girl that was "plus size"- to put it plainly. Anyway, I like her I thought she was funny and we hit it off right out of the gate. However, we here at a Comedy Club and she had an annoying laugh that was quite loud. A trio of jerk-wads were at the table next to us and one of them said:

    "Hey, why don't you shut that fat beech up."

    I immediately stood and yelled "Apologize, right now!" The entire place went silent. I interrupted the guy's routine, but I didn't care. After a moment of tense silence, the comedian said: "Sorry." And the rest of the club laughed. These three were still being adzholes, swearing at us, telling me to F-off, making pig noises at her etc. So I took her hand and started to leave. She noticed that the Three Stooges were getting up too.

    "There's three of them, what are you going to do?" She asked me.

    "I'm going to hit the first guy hard enough that the other two will think twice." I responded. When we got outside, I stood just outside the door and stood there like I was lighting a cigarette. The door was such that only one of them could come through it at a time. As soon as the first guy came out the door, he started to say something but I shortened his sentence by elbowing him, cross-check style right in the nose. He fell backwards into his buddies arms with a face full of blood. His two companions eye went wide and they both turned about 3 shades whiter. I stood with my fist clenched, ready to go, but his two pals wanted none of it. They just picked up their friend and took him back inside.

    Needless to say, she appreciated me standing up for her. I was a chubby kid, so I had an idea of how she felt. No one deserves to be treated that way. If I had to do it over I would have followed them inside and made sure each one of them had a taste, but I probably would have gotten arrested for that...

    *kitten* are everywhere. Just ignore them. (Unless you have a chance to break one's nose- it is a pretty good feeling).
