Poll for Ladies



  • sarahrosheen
    sarahrosheen Posts: 82 Member
  • ExerGal99
    ExerGal99 Posts: 6 Member
    Chest and shoulders!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I like sturdy legs and a nice round butt on a man.
  • CCSavage88
    CCSavage88 Posts: 191
    Arms...but I like my men with extra love. Not too fit =)
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Torso. I like a tall narrow ectomorph build on a man.
  • glamsam8
    glamsam8 Posts: 39 Member
    Legs/ Back for sure
  • S_Murphree
    S_Murphree Posts: 94
    Chest !
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Depends on the person. There's something to love about everyone, so play up your strengths and work on your weaknesses.
  • buzybev
    buzybev Posts: 199 Member
    arms. And butt.
  • AutumnElf80
    AutumnElf80 Posts: 58 Member
    Legs, hands, arms in that order.
  • __hannah_
    __hannah_ Posts: 787 Member
    Chest and also butt
  • cew3028
    cew3028 Posts: 32
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    Hands. (I'm glad I'm not the only one.) I love big hands, but also find the long, spindly piano hands attractive. However, no hands smaller than mine. Ever.

    And strength. I don't particularly care if they're toned or buff or what, but I want a man that's stronger than me. The biggest turn off is having a man who can't lift as much as you do or who can't hold his own.

    Also, no to the chicken legs. And no to the no-neck guys. I don't want your back to meld with your head. That's the stuff of nightmares.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Very specifically: forearms with long sleeve shirts rolled up. Tops of feet in topsiders with no socks. Butt!
  • KnittingNerdy
    KnittingNerdy Posts: 12 Member
    I believe you're missing a crucial area between the legs and the back in your possible choices.
    Also butt.
    Butt butt butt.

    Actually, when it really comes down to the purely physical, it's all about the beard.

    I guess I'm just a butt and beard kind of gal.
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    Really surprised torso - no gut was not listed as much.
  • ebarrett7
    ebarrett7 Posts: 5
    Legs! No skinny thighs or flat butts for me :)
  • tiffanycherie
    tiffanycherie Posts: 97 Member
    chest, arms, and lips
  • triciabh1
    triciabh1 Posts: 126 Member
    Nice big strong arms :love:
  • Jenn_Lyn1102
    Jenn_Lyn1102 Posts: 219 Member