Tips to gain weight fast!!



  • OUCH!

    What I read as advice for you my man is well not very encouraging..
    No do not chow down on ery thing in sight...

    as a matter of fact if you do..the food frequency alone will cause you to loose more.. weight

    My Name is Dances Wow
    and I can hep you pack on a solid clean mound of scultped performance based flesh as fast as I can help those loose it..

    Think of me as Master Gardener and Anatomy landscape Artist
    your plight is normal.. and at 18.. the learning curve is steep..but to your credit the hormone testosterone will mke this happen quick.

    I dont want to waste your time because the military route is a big step and they have protocol you will need to adjust to after to absorb the info I am putting up on this board..

    First off Calories wont matter.. Your body is naturally producing a high amount of lipolytic enzymes and there is most likley very
    a good amount of brown adipose tissue.. this is science speak for heavy population of blood vessels around low body fat..

    most people trying to loose dont have a lot of red blood vessels running through there body fat...which is cardio is so important for them

    For you cardio is required but is an enemy so you have to approach cardio with strike force mentality.. get in tap it get out replace all resources greater than the previous cardio session before.. Replace resource greater than the session before... 12 minutes hit hit and be done.. and very seldom on the same day you lift

    Food energy.... Your eating is not about calories and calories out.. your eating is selecting the best weapon possible for every occasion..For instance instead of breakfast look to start your day with a Pilot Meal..

    Pilot meal consists of your protein number each and ever time you eat.. you can only mis between 12 and 15% during the week. Missing simply signals your hormones that they may soon become overdrawn and by default decide to freeze your metabolic bank account..

    Your meal count at first is 28 per peek. thats optimum for most.. but should be adjusted up by 10% a week if your weight still has not moved.. so the following week your food energy might be 28 meals /week x 10% is 2.8 additional meals

    This comes to 30.8 total meals per week where you are meeting your bodies need for the right amount of protein for the level of The exercise you are doing..

    you may not need up meal count but here is the formula..

    In every meal to shut down the lipolyic enzyme that over weight people have a hard time turning on.. you have to give it this hormone beneficial fat.. safflower oils, olive oils, almond oils, Medium chain trigycerides.. a really good one is call Parrilo MCT Oil..

    these oils you use in conjunction with leafy greens grains and legumes..This will help yoou pack on fat free muscle because you are properly manipulating the environment for which new muscle can propagate.

    So steady and consistent meal count.. at least 28 for the week to start

    Reduce lipolytic enzyme potency with Good fats.. safflower olive and MCTs with leafy greens, legumes and grains..

    Eat at an all you can eat buffet once a week at least and twice if you can afford it since you have nOT yet learned to batch cook ahead all your portein needs for workouts ahead

    Work out do not max lift more than twice.. use weights at 65% of max..and group them into basic power movement categories..

    Dont spend an hour on over prepping chest or upper body parts and glaze over legs.. with poo poo lifts

    Do just the opposite.. if you can max out on legs say 225 train at 60 to 70 percent of this max lift alternating using squats on one sessions, dead lifts the next and power cleans the thrid.. if you energy left then tap upper body with cardio of 12 minutes or less.

    big Tip alwsy eat with 20 to 30 minutes after every work out.. this gospel for building muscle with out a bunch a fat around it..

    The idea is the body uses all of this food energy because its ready to recieve it...

    Last two tips drink plenty of high alkaline water8.5 to 9.5 Ph+ to carry away the hormone waste that used up muscle tissue leaves behind. This ensures.. you wont be fighting toxins which love to eat the tasty buds of new muscle proteins..

    I didnt mention sleeping with the temp in the room lower than normal..

    however...if these tips are helpfull..

    friend me.. and I can provide the last piece of the puzzle

    My name is Dances with Wow

    and I can help you exude lifeforce
    I think we found Dr. Oz's cousin!!!
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member

    What I read as advice for you my man is well not very encouraging..
    No do not chow down on ery thing in sight...

    as a matter of fact if you do..the food frequency alone will cause you to loose more.. weight

    My Name is Dances Wow
    and I can hep you pack on a solid clean mound of scultped performance based flesh as fast as I can help those loose it..

    Think of me as Master Gardener and Anatomy landscape Artist
    your plight is normal.. and at 18.. the learning curve is steep..but to your credit the hormone testosterone will mke this happen quick.

    I dont want to waste your time because the military route is a big step and they have protocol you will need to adjust to after to absorb the info I am putting up on this board..

    First off Calories wont matter.. Your body is naturally producing a high amount of lipolytic enzymes and there is most likley very
    a good amount of brown adipose tissue.. this is science speak for heavy population of blood vessels around low body fat..

    most people trying to loose dont have a lot of red blood vessels running through there body fat...which is cardio is so important for them

    For you cardio is required but is an enemy so you have to approach cardio with strike force mentality.. get in tap it get out replace all resources greater than the previous cardio session before.. Replace resource greater than the session before... 12 minutes hit hit and be done.. and very seldom on the same day you lift

    Food energy.... Your eating is not about calories and calories out.. your eating is selecting the best weapon possible for every occasion..For instance instead of breakfast look to start your day with a Pilot Meal..

    Pilot meal consists of your protein number each and ever time you eat.. you can only mis between 12 and 15% during the week. Missing simply signals your hormones that they may soon become overdrawn and by default decide to freeze your metabolic bank account..

    Your meal count at first is 28 per peek. thats optimum for most.. but should be adjusted up by 10% a week if your weight still has not moved.. so the following week your food energy might be 28 meals /week x 10% is 2.8 additional meals

    This comes to 30.8 total meals per week where you are meeting your bodies need for the right amount of protein for the level of The exercise you are doing..

    you may not need up meal count but here is the formula..

    In every meal to shut down the lipolyic enzyme that over weight people have a hard time turning on.. you have to give it this hormone beneficial fat.. safflower oils, olive oils, almond oils, Medium chain trigycerides.. a really good one is call Parrilo MCT Oil..

    these oils you use in conjunction with leafy greens grains and legumes..This will help yoou pack on fat free muscle because you are properly manipulating the environment for which new muscle can propagate.

    So steady and consistent meal count.. at least 28 for the week to start

    Reduce lipolytic enzyme potency with Good fats.. safflower olive and MCTs with leafy greens, legumes and grains..

    Eat at an all you can eat buffet once a week at least and twice if you can afford it since you have nOT yet learned to batch cook ahead all your portein needs for workouts ahead

    Work out do not max lift more than twice.. use weights at 65% of max..and group them into basic power movement categories..

    Dont spend an hour on over prepping chest or upper body parts and glaze over legs.. with poo poo lifts

    Do just the opposite.. if you can max out on legs say 225 train at 60 to 70 percent of this max lift alternating using squats on one sessions, dead lifts the next and power cleans the thrid.. if you energy left then tap upper body with cardio of 12 minutes or less.

    big Tip alwsy eat with 20 to 30 minutes after every work out.. this gospel for building muscle with out a bunch a fat around it..

    The idea is the body uses all of this food energy because its ready to recieve it...

    Last two tips drink plenty of high alkaline water8.5 to 9.5 Ph+ to carry away the hormone waste that used up muscle tissue leaves behind. This ensures.. you wont be fighting toxins which love to eat the tasty buds of new muscle proteins..

    I didnt mention sleeping with the temp in the room lower than normal..

    however...if these tips are helpfull..

    friend me.. and I can provide the last piece of the puzzle

    My name is Dances with Wow

    and I can help you exude lifeforce
    I think we found Dr. Oz's cousin!!!

    Yeah I've start seeing this guy's posts recently, don't quite know what to make of him.. lol
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member

    What I read as advice for you my man is well not very encouraging..
    No do not chow down on ery thing in sight...

    as a matter of fact if you do..the food frequency alone will cause you to loose more.. weight

    My Name is Dances Wow
    and I can hep you pack on a solid clean mound of scultped performance based flesh as fast as I can help those loose it..

    Think of me as Master Gardener and Anatomy landscape Artist
    your plight is normal.. and at 18.. the learning curve is steep..but to your credit the hormone testosterone will mke this happen quick.

    I dont want to waste your time because the military route is a big step and they have protocol you will need to adjust to after to absorb the info I am putting up on this board..

    First off Calories wont matter.. Your body is naturally producing a high amount of lipolytic enzymes and there is most likley very
    a good amount of brown adipose tissue.. this is science speak for heavy population of blood vessels around low body fat..

    most people trying to loose dont have a lot of red blood vessels running through there body fat...which is cardio is so important for them

    For you cardio is required but is an enemy so you have to approach cardio with strike force mentality.. get in tap it get out replace all resources greater than the previous cardio session before.. Replace resource greater than the session before... 12 minutes hit hit and be done.. and very seldom on the same day you lift

    Food energy.... Your eating is not about calories and calories out.. your eating is selecting the best weapon possible for every occasion..For instance instead of breakfast look to start your day with a Pilot Meal..

    Pilot meal consists of your protein number each and ever time you eat.. you can only mis between 12 and 15% during the week. Missing simply signals your hormones that they may soon become overdrawn and by default decide to freeze your metabolic bank account..

    Your meal count at first is 28 per peek. thats optimum for most.. but should be adjusted up by 10% a week if your weight still has not moved.. so the following week your food energy might be 28 meals /week x 10% is 2.8 additional meals

    This comes to 30.8 total meals per week where you are meeting your bodies need for the right amount of protein for the level of The exercise you are doing..

    you may not need up meal count but here is the formula..

    In every meal to shut down the lipolyic enzyme that over weight people have a hard time turning on.. you have to give it this hormone beneficial fat.. safflower oils, olive oils, almond oils, Medium chain trigycerides.. a really good one is call Parrilo MCT Oil..

    these oils you use in conjunction with leafy greens grains and legumes..This will help yoou pack on fat free muscle because you are properly manipulating the environment for which new muscle can propagate.

    So steady and consistent meal count.. at least 28 for the week to start

    Reduce lipolytic enzyme potency with Good fats.. safflower olive and MCTs with leafy greens, legumes and grains..

    Eat at an all you can eat buffet once a week at least and twice if you can afford it since you have nOT yet learned to batch cook ahead all your portein needs for workouts ahead

    Work out do not max lift more than twice.. use weights at 65% of max..and group them into basic power movement categories..

    Dont spend an hour on over prepping chest or upper body parts and glaze over legs.. with poo poo lifts

    Do just the opposite.. if you can max out on legs say 225 train at 60 to 70 percent of this max lift alternating using squats on one sessions, dead lifts the next and power cleans the thrid.. if you energy left then tap upper body with cardio of 12 minutes or less.

    big Tip alwsy eat with 20 to 30 minutes after every work out.. this gospel for building muscle with out a bunch a fat around it..

    The idea is the body uses all of this food energy because its ready to recieve it...

    Last two tips drink plenty of high alkaline water8.5 to 9.5 Ph+ to carry away the hormone waste that used up muscle tissue leaves behind. This ensures.. you wont be fighting toxins which love to eat the tasty buds of new muscle proteins..

    I didnt mention sleeping with the temp in the room lower than normal..

    however...if these tips are helpfull..

    friend me.. and I can provide the last piece of the puzzle

    My name is Dances with Wow

    and I can help you exude lifeforce

    Good god no.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    dances with bullchit... please go away- you're mucking up informational posts and food porn.

    go away- no one wants your rubbish.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    breakfast: bulk bacon and eggs with at least 4 pieces of toast
    snack: gainer shake with some ice cream
    lunch: large Japanese chicken curry
    snack: gainer shake with cashews
    dinner: pizza
    bed time: peanut butter cheesecake

    If calories didn't count I would eat this every day.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Hi I'm 6ft1 and 18 with a high metabolism so I'm classed as underweight which I need to change as I want to join the RAF!
    So if you's have any tips to gain weight fast please tell me aha.
    I've currently got serious mass protein but I also need other methods of weight gain so any help would be greatly appreciated! :happy:
    Try 4000 per day. It's working for me. I have serious mass gainer too. *kitten* is filling!