antidepressants/anxiety meds



  • amk73
    amk73 Posts: 16
    Again, thank you all for your input. I guess I should have been more specific. I take celexa for anxiety (for the past 5 years) and occassionally deal with depression issues. I do believe everyone's chemistry is different; maybe mine is just such that the meds prevent me from losing weight and cause me to gain.

    Not only have I researched meds vs. weight loss today I've also looked into some alternative methods of treating anxiety. Its been along time since I was in counseling, so maybe I'll try that as a way to deal with my anxiety first. Also saw that many herbs and vitamins can help with the symtoms. Passionflower, calcium, Vitamin B and Chamomile. Before I head to the health food store I'll talk to my doc and see what she says.

    I've been dedicated to exercise and eating right for 8 weeks now (with a trip to PA in the middle) and have only lost 2 lbs total. I weigh in on Mon and Thurs mornings and either gain 2 lbs or lose 5. Its so frusterating to be exercising 4x per week (45-60 min each time) and no lose!
  • Davis713
    Davis713 Posts: 124 Member
    Citropram is Celexa. Sorry I forget miine is the generic. But after being put on the anti-depressant we also found that my thyroid was completely inactive, which is what had been causing my anxiety. So I have also been put on a thyroid med. I think the two combined is the reason I am losing weight.
  • Djuna
    Djuna Posts: 3 Member
    This is all so helpful. I've been off celexa for a month, and have been really disciplined about both diet and exercise the whole time I was on it. The weight gain was very slow with celexa, and it took me a long time to even notice. It took 2 years to put on 20 lbs. It's been so hard to not see any progress. I enjoy eating healthy and exercising regularly, but I'm so frustrated to not see any results with my weight. I'm at my heaviest now. The drug did wonders for my PTSD- and I'm grateful for that. Anyone in the same situation? How long did it take for your metabolism to normalize after discontinuing the drug?
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