Please People.. post a photo



  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    Yup, I'm for privacy. No Facebook either.

    But, you can enjoy a picture of my adorable kitty cat!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    well, this is my real name, and this is me (and my three children) on my Wedding day last year -


    and this is my Husband and I


    and this is us last month on our delayed Honeymoon!


    Anyone can see me when I walk down the street, anyone can see my house of Google Street View, and I wear a badge with my name on it all day at work and people can see that too. I am proud to share my pictures with you all.

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    "Why is this such a touchy subject? I don't quite understand the harsh replies she's getting."

    People are touchy about this subject because, we as overweight people have been judged on the way we look for all or most of our lifes and some are looking for a place of nonjudgement. it is hard to put your pics up when you have been slamed for the way you look and it takes time to get the self confidence to do that AND THAT IS FINE. I am not made at the poster i understand her wanting to see the before and after pics but people should be able to post theirs at there own pace.

    I completely agree. I don't have any close-ups of myself because I'm so insecure about my looks. I was called ugly so much as a child that even though I'm now 57 old (for crying out loud) I'm still very insecure. Hopefully one day when I feel I've taken a good enough photo to show on here I'll post a close up.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    or you could work for the dear govt who screens sites for employee activity & remarks...and no, not using a work computer. they do troll and you are advised when you are going thru your acceptance processing. sorry folks.

    So you're saying some folks who hide their image might be guilty of some punishable crime?

    this was the reason I was off-put.
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    Man! this thread went crazy! "KarenJoy" Your post/Pictures are absolutely Gorgeous!
  • I don't know what all the fuss is about, I just cover part of my face so no deranged stalkers will go after me. I have issues with my ex boyfriend too, don't want him hanging around no more for sure. even when I go to the grocery store I wear this face shield, I mean you can't be too careful these days with all the weirdo's out there.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    I don't know what all the fuss is about, I just cover part of my face so no deranged stalkers will go after me. I have issues with my ex boyfriend too, don't want him hanging around no more for sure. even when I go to the grocery store I wear this face shield, I mean you can't be too careful these days with all the weirdo's out there.

    This has me cracking up.....
  • This is MYfitnesspal not YOURfitnesspal, we can do what we want without the judgement of others. If we don't have pics then that's our choice and don't need someone to tell us otherwise.
  • vbhoj74
    vbhoj74 Posts: 122 Member
    @karenjoy: amazing pics, and I can feel the joy spilling all over us, wish u all the best and keep it that way.
  • Vivx
    Vivx Posts: 121
    in all honestly i think it would be best iof this was deleted !
    we are supposed to be friends and motivate each other to lose weight !
    not to have a go at people for not having a picture !
    they might put one up when there ready they might not thats not for any of use to judge !
    so dont bother adding them as a friend if its a problem go moan on some other site not this !!!!!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    woah! People! She asked for pictures not your first born! jeez

    Thank you for the nice comments by the way :flowerforyou:
  • autumnbaby1234
    autumnbaby1234 Posts: 10 Member
    to me it was the way she asked, sounded harsh and judgemental
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I think that must be a perception thing, I thought it was fine. And the reaction from some people has been very uncalled for I feel. People could say 'I am not comfortable posting a picture of myself for various reasons' etc, no need for the vitriol.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I don't understand what is happening in this thread (I don't see what is rubbing people the wrong way), but it's ten minutes I'll never get back.

    You can see me in my profile... help yourself if you dare... :bigsmile:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I don't know what all the fuss is about, I just cover part of my face so no deranged stalkers will go after me. I have issues with my ex boyfriend too, don't want him hanging around no more for sure. even when I go to the grocery store I wear this face shield, I mean you can't be too careful these days with all the weirdo's out there.

    This has me cracking up.....

    Me too.... still.... Yup, even now there's still snickers bubbling up.....

    Ok, I'm done

    Nope, still laughing!
  • I don't know what all the fuss is about, I just cover part of my face so no deranged stalkers will go after me. I have issues with my ex boyfriend too, don't want him hanging around no more for sure. even when I go to the grocery store I wear this face shield, I mean you can't be too careful these days with all the weirdo's out there.

    This has me LMAO!!
  • I dont have a picture but that is because I am doing this for me and me alone, none of my friends/family know I am doing this as it is about the millionth diet I have been on and they will expect me to fail...

    I wouldnt want to be recognised and that is the only reason I am not putting my picture up :)
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I dont have a picture but that is because I am doing this for me and me alone, none of my friends/family know I am doing this as it is about the millionth diet I have been on and they will expect me to fail...

    I wouldnt want to be recognised and that is the only reason I am not putting my picture up :)

    Excellent reason, and thank you for explaining it in such a nice way :flowerforyou: Lots of luck in your weightloss
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