looking for sleeve buddies



  • melclaws
    melclaws Posts: 11 Member
    I had my Gastric Sleevectomy ONE WEEk ago today....... down 22 lbs! Each day is getting better, and I am so happy that I had it done :)! Looking for other patients and support !
  • Hi all, I accept all Sleevers friend req and have an open diary so folks can view food or recipes if you like. Sleeved 7/7
  • kenziesmom_2000
    kenziesmom_2000 Posts: 17 Member
    hey denis103 ... I was sleeved june 13 too! I have lost 39 (33 since surgery). I do still get tired but feel better when i get in lots of protein and water. Also exercising makes me feel better. Hang in there...everybody keeps telling me it gets better! :0)
  • Caligirl0
    Caligirl0 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 8 months out and down 52 pounds. Have about 25-35 more to go I think, but I'm building muscle at the same time as losing fat, so weight loss is very odd for me...

    Welcome! You're going to love your sleeve!
  • CrainT1
    CrainT1 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, my name is Trina,
    I was sleeved on December 10, 2013. I have been on the path to weight loss all my life and decided to make a drastic decision with this surgery. For those of you who are going to have it two things, it is NOT a magic wand, you have to work at it and still make better choices each day with food and exercise. Also for me it was very painful and tough recovery, as you are not able to eat to help you recover your strength afterwards, be prepared.

    But it was a great decision for me. I have lost a total of 94lbs with only about 30lbs to reach my goal weight. But it has been a struggle and there are definitely some days I want to give up! But with the surgery you are not normal anymore and cannot eat or drink things others can anymore. Yes you can stretch your stomach back out, yes you can drink carbonated beverages and do the same, but after spending so much time and money on this surgery and effort WHY?????

    I still make mistakes, like yesterday after the gym went to the grocery store (wrong time to go when I am hungry and thirsty) so I got things I should not have in my cart. And splurged on an Iced Vanilla Coffee Drink in the frig section, it was so cold, so yummy and I drank the whole thing on the way home. Well to leave out some fun details it was up and out the minute I got home and I was not able to eat solid foods the rest of the night. Managed a protein shake to finish up my day, and the next day still a little sore.

    You will change after this surgery it will BREAK your relationship with food trust me, as what you want to have, that is bad, will general make you sick if you eat it too soon after recovery or too much of it. And I am sure you have heard of dumping, enough said about that it does happen. And there are no days off like birthdays, anniversaries or vacations you need to realize that going it and BE OKAY WITH IT. I tell my husband all the time I am just not a normal girl anymore, but he tells me nope you are not you are a smoking hot girl now..... LOL

    I do love the new me, with more energy etc. I started at a TIGHT 22 and now I am in a 9/10 that is right I said 9/10, will probably end up in a size 7/8 at the end of my journey. But I work at it, doing my journaling, getting support, exercise and making better choices. I would be happy to friend anyone looking the surgery or recently post-surgery with questions as been there done that. I am sure that is more than an intro but what the heck!!!
  • wilrhy
    wilrhy Posts: 199 Member
    You can add me--wilrhy (Donna) I had gastric sleeve surgery on 9/9. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Good luck on your weight loss journey..