What do skinny people do on Thanksgiving?



  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    You people are geniuses! I am going to bring my laptop with me when we leave on Saturday and re-read these posts once a day while we are gone.

    One thing I didn't mention in my initial post is my fear that I will start this week away from home with the best of intentions. I know I will be good Saturday and Sunday, but by the time Thursday rolls around, I am afraid I will have slid down that slippery slope and landed in a pile of "What the hell - I'm on vacation."

    If I keep reading these suggestions, I think I can conquer that fear. Thanks for all the advice!
  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    I do extra exercise so that I can eat a little more food....like the pumpkin pie, etc. Also, you can be a little more in control if you cook some of the food. You can control how much butter goes into a dish or you can make a low-cal pie.

    Also try drinking a lot of water that day, so that it's not just thirst that's calling you to the food table.

    Let yourself indulge once in a while, and Thanksgiving is a great day to do this!

    Best of luck!
  • Take a walk before and after dinner. Eat turkey breast with no skin and very little stuffing, lots of veggies, and have a smaller piece of pie, like half a normal serving. Also, since you are going to have a really big dinner, don't snack earlier and only have lighter meals. I find that kind of planning works best, since I know I'm not going to be able to avoid the calorie splurge later!

    I think this was great advice. If you could wake up early to get your full workout in or take a walk prior and after, you'll feel a bit better about eating all that thanksgiving goodness. Just remember you can try all of it, just keep in mind portion control....Take bite sized portions of things you want because it's the holiday but don't love, this saves room for bigger portions of the things you absolutely must eat. That's going to be my strategy......I know it's easier said than done..... I'm hoping for the strength to not practically lick my plate clean. Happy Holidays and good luck!
  • My strategy is going to be to put small bits of the bad stuff on my plate and then fill the plate with veggies and meat. Like everyone, I'll be going somewhere where I'm expected to eat a mountain of everything, have seconds, etc. And I know that it's not bad to splurge for just one day, but for me at least, it helps me a lot to try and treat every day discretely. In other words, no big deal if I go a bit over for a given day, but I do need to try every day to get close to my calorie goal. I am fine with exercise to compensate but I don't think this'll happen on T-Day. More likely I'll try to save ~900 cals for the big meal and hope that that is enough.
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    Aww, my dear ladies!!!

    First -- (((HUGS)))

    There is NO NEED TO WORRY.


    Let me tell you what I do. (And I don't consider myself 'skinny' by any means, but I have lost almost 50 lbs in the last 2 or 3 years.... slowly... but I've kept it off!)

    Load up on the healthier foods. The turkey. The green beans (if they are more plainly cooked), corn, peas, veggies. That stuff.

    Have one roll. Have one reasonable sized scoop of mashed potatoes. Have a scoop of stuffing.

    Make that plate a spoonful of everything offered. Don't deny yourself what you like! Portion control it.

    Drink water before the meal. Drink water with the meal. Sit and chat DURING the meal. Eat it slowly.

    When dessert comes, have it all. I have a piece of everything I like. A SMALL taste. Try to get 3 or 4 bites worth of all the tasty stuff.

    Why deny?? You can CONTROL yourself not to pig out on the good stuff. YOU CAN DO IT. You are strong enough!!!!

    If you think you are still hungry and you have eaten slowly, go back for seconds. Again, larger servings of healthier foods, small portions of the tasty high calorie foods.

    You are strong.
    Food does NOT control you.
    Don't deny yourself a wonderful meal cooked for a thankful occasion full of family and friends.
    Calmly and rationally make your plate.
    Enjoy it.
    Thanksgiving only comes once a year.

    After the meal, try to take a walk.
    If you can't, don't sweat it.

    It's one meal.
    One. Single. Meal.

    No worries, dears!!!

    And I am thankful for this post!
  • lukasmac
    lukasmac Posts: 216 Member
    Skinny people pig out on Thanksgiving, but their stomach and brain has been wired to where 'pigging out' is going to be less than a 350lbs man's 'pigging out'. My suggestion is get a big plate fill it up to all four corners and don't go back for seconds. If you really want seconds though, allow yourself to have seconds of what seems healthier (i.e. vegetables). As for dessert. Pick one dessert and indulge.

    The reason why someone is overweight is not becos they pig out on holidays, it's becos they treat each meal as a holiday. Enjoy!
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