Is it possible to lose 20 pounds in 5 months?



  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    I'm 5'4 1/2" and I've had MFP set to lose one pound a week, but I've lost 13 lb. in 2 months so far. The first 2 weeks I lost almost 5 lb, but I'm sure some of that was water retention and stuff.
  • Jkj95
    Jkj95 Posts: 64 Member
    It's definitely doable - 2lbs a week is what'd take. How easy it'd be would depend on a lot of things, such as what calories you feel most comfortable eating, your starting body size and your activity level.
  • kberkley78
    kberkley78 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you. :)
  • Red_Nationhtx
    Red_Nationhtx Posts: 13 Member

    im 5,11 and 300lbs

    I lost about 70lbs last year and gained it all back I was about 330 last yr

    my lightest was 255lbs in aug. of 2013. and gained about 30lbs back in 6months

    any advise thanks
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    Yes. Very doable. ETA Make sure you log your food and stay under your daily calorie limit and you will do fine with the exercising five days. You may find you want to do more as you progress, but I don't think it is necessary as long as you are staying within your calorie limit. It is the deficit that will produce the weight loss. All the best!
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    Definitely doable.

    I've lost ~14 pounds in seventy days. I'm 5'0 and started at 135lbs. So, I definitely think it's possible.
  • aubtimusprime
    aubtimusprime Posts: 35 Member
    This is kind of the same boat I'm in! I'm going on vacation in April and would like to lose 25lbs minimum and tone up MAJORLY. I'm looking in to getting a personal trainer at the gym so I really know how to use all of the machines. Good luck on your journey!
  • bubbly_charm2k9
    bubbly_charm2k9 Posts: 43 Member
    I lost over 33 lbs in 3 months .. so for sure it's doable :)
  • It's doable, and I agree that if you over do the eating on the other two days it may end up counter productive.. good luck...
  • Depends what you do on the other 2 days of the week.

    It's possible to lose 20 pounds in a little over 2 months! Yes, it would be pretty hard, but very possible. 20lbs in 5 mo is 4lbs per month, which generally isn't very hard, its like cutting out soda and laying off the icecream, and not eating after 6pm. Very, VERY doable.
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    If you're biggest problem is binging, perhaps the best approach for now is moderation. Until you feel like you have better control over your daily eating habits, letting yourself over-indulge on anything, be it cucumbers or cake, is risking self-sabotage. I've only recently started so I don't even have the things I know are my 'triggers' in the house. However, I am not eliminating any food group and I don't feel deprived - work it and it works.

    Best of luck!
  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    Doable and a healthy goal, especially since 20 lbs puts you at a healthy weight.

    If you want to get looking really good, do quality exercises. I'd suggest looking for Bikini Body Mommy on facebook. I've been doing her 2.0 workout with my friends and have felt stronger, but also feel my body changing.
  • Lara124911
    Lara124911 Posts: 23
    I was over weight and tried so many things. Different things work for different people and I was lucky enough to find one that worked for me. I lost 18 pounds in one month without much exercise and it's been a life changer. I'm a little embarrased to post my before and after photos here but if anyone actually cares to hear what I've been doing then I'd be happy to help in any way. Just shoot me an email at and I'll show you my before and after photos, and tell you about how things are going for me with the stuff I've tried. I wish someone would have helped me out when I was struggling to find a solution so if I can help you then it would make my day