Juice Fasting



  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    Bump :)
  • sara_xo
    sara_xo Posts: 195 Member
    Totally doing this right after xmas lol
  • I did the Cabbage soup Detox, it's a 7 day thing. When i was done i felt great and my craving for sweats has dramatically decreased. Taught me some serious self control. I would give it a try if you are looking for an all natural cleanse.
  • saving for later
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    What about bare naked juices? not good?

    fresh juice is best when fasting, its full of live enzymes. most bottled juices have been pasteurized which kills the enzymes good and bad.
  • nellajane24
    nellajane24 Posts: 108 Member
    i think juice fasting or feasting is amazing and would highly recommend it! you can actually go for months on juice alone. the first day or two of a juice fast can be hard on your body because of detox, or withdrawal symptoms. You can expect headaches, chills, nausea etc. if you feast on fresh juice meaning drink as much as you want you can still exercise and do whatever. i have done a few juice fasts and loved it. i have steady energy throughout the entire day and don't experience those afternoon lows that are so common in everyday diets. I will be starting a juice fast after the holidays just to flush out my system and to remind my body what good nutrition is like. Juice fasting is not a permanent weight loss solution. The first juice fast i did i lost 9lbs in a week! of course once i ate regular food again it came right back so expect to lose mostly water weight. also if you are doing an extended fast of more than a few days you will need to take some kind of stimulant garlic or a stimulant tea so your digestive system doesn't slow down too much. also when coming off a fast go slow drink a few smoothies at first or very soft fruit.
    i think juice fasting is a great tool. Once you fast for a few days it really help cleans your palate and junk foods wont taste as good or sit as well in your stomach.

    some resources i've enjoyed

    Good luck, love to hear how it goes!

    thanks for this!!
  • nellajane24
    nellajane24 Posts: 108 Member
    Okay, people! I did it! Well, not quite, but at least one day of it. A friend of mine sent me a recipe for a juice fast he did. It tasted really good, and I did GREAT yesterday, and drank about 12 cups of water. I lost 1.4 lb when weighing myself this morning.

    However, I was feeling not so hot today.... I know the 2nd or 3rd day is supposed to be hard, but I'm a wimp and couldn't handle it. My husband is away for the weekend for some military stuff, and I don't think my 7 month old daughter would have appreciated it very much if I keeled over. :/ So my thoughts on this subject are as follows:

    Juice fasting is a great way to detox and renew your body. It is great if you hit a weight loss wall, or plateau. At the current moment, I have not hit that wall. In fact, I have finally started to get things going after a month of working out and counting my calories every day. Its totally paying off right now. But once I DO hit that inevitable wall, I will tackle this again.. only next time, when my husband is home to help out with the baby.

    Thanks to everyone for your advice and encouragement, and yes, even discouragement :). It helps to know I am not alone on my journey!
  • RubyHearts
    RubyHearts Posts: 67
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