Dumbest comment I get told everyday about working out is...



  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    I hate when people say to me, I will melt away because I don't eat enough....I eat every 90 minutes when at work, I just don't ram my face with sugar filled and starchy products!!
  • leeilaxoxo
    leeilaxoxo Posts: 66
    after I get through running hard..."walk it out!"
    I'm like, "can I breathe first?!" lol

    Also, when people stop and watch me or interrupt me while I'm running....
    Ugh, just go away!
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    Also, when people stop and watch me or interrupt me while I'm running....
    Ugh, just go away!

    that's one of my biggest hates ever, Ive fallen out with friends over this, gym time is my time, I don't go to be everybody's friend!
    so yeah I'm an a****** at the gym but I don't care what others think, I care what I do.
  • bazarn
    bazarn Posts: 80 Member
    Honestly I am really sick of being asked "how did you do it?"
    Like...HOW DO YOU THINK???
    I'm so close to saying, matter of factly, "Uppers." LOL

    I've told people who continue to ask after being told that I'm doing it with proper food and exercise that I'm on crack. Shuts them right up.

  • bazarn
    bazarn Posts: 80 Member
    Honestly I am really sick of being asked "how did you do it?"
    Like...HOW DO YOU THINK???
    I'm so close to saying, matter of factly, "Uppers." LOL

    I've told people who continue to ask after being told that I'm doing it with proper food and exercise that I'm on crack. Shuts them right up.

    It's sad that's the answer they'd probably believe.

    Too true...
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    Some old lady used to always walk up to me while I was bench pressing and "TSK" and say "You're going to break that arm, again, with all that weight!"

    I'm fairly sure my arm is less likely to break because it's now stronger than ever.