Fat, Unfit and Fifty



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Do you have access to an elliptical or a recumbent bicycle? Those are supposed to be great exercise machines for your joints (not to much pressure on them). When I had hurt my leg and foot (from running), the physical therapist told me to use the recumbent bicycle. I did, but I prefer the elliptical.

    Good luck! I would love it if you added me as a friend.

    I'm glad you posted this! I hurt both my feet by running in crap shoes, and I am finding that the elliptical and the regular exercise bike still bother them. I will have to try the recumbant bike! :smile:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Welcome! I will be 50 in October, and am currently dealing with feet issues. Nothing as bad as what you are recovering from! I currently use MFP mostly to keep track of my protein and nutrition as I am in maintenance mode. I would encourage you to keep tracking even once you've hit your goal as losing the weight is actually the easy part. It is maintaining it that is the most difficult!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    What about swimming till you gain the confidence/are fully recovered for something more intense?
  • jocm2225
    jocm2225 Posts: 6 Member
    Is there anyone out there that can help me??? I have been tracking and setting goals with trainer for over 6 months
    I have not lost a single pound !!! Now, I have to admit I have lost 5 inches overall. But seriously, can anyone out there help
    Me and suggest how to loose poundage???
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    More thank you :bigsmile:

    I have done the friends thing and 'spoken' with some nice people :bigsmile:

    Swimming is definitely on the list! Thank you :bigsmile:

    Had a yuck day food wise, but the first since I've started tracking. I have some sort of blood sugar issue and if I don't eat enough one day then the next day I suffer. Will put another thread up as I could do with some ideas :smile: