Stinky gym clothes



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  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Hey guys!
    I didn't know where else to put this topic, but I want to know what you guys do to get the stank out of your clothes? I wear the same clothes and I sweat a lot and it seems that some bacteria have decided to make a home in my favorite workout gear. I saw a detergent in the sports equipment store specifically for this, but I'd prefer a home remedy. Yesterday I washed my stuff with clorox 2 and detergent in cold water because I want to keep the colors, and put it out in the sun to disinfect/dry but it still smells.

    I wash them. I use a sports wash we pick up at REI. Never had a problem with smelly gym clothes, and I'm a heavy sweater. I do have a problem with not being able to clean out my five fingers and get the stank out though.