Doesn't anybody dead lift?



  • TatianaMacKenzie
    TatianaMacKenzie Posts: 23 Member
    Romanian dead lifts are my favourite!
  • ginslife
    ginslife Posts: 12 Member
    what is a dead lift?
  • ginslife
    ginslife Posts: 12 Member
    I think I have an idea what they are Not for me had a masecatmy and breast reconstruction on my left side I avoid lifting too much over my head I do squats as low as I can am sure not to let my knee extend past my toes
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    I think I have an idea what they are Not for me had a masecatmy and breast reconstruction on my left side I avoid lifting too much over my head I do squats as low as I can am sure not to let my knee extend past my toes

    my knees go over my toes every time i squat and i've squatted for 26 years now, some of those years with some heavy weights that weighed more than i do. depending on the length of the bones in your legs then you most definitely have to have your knees go past your toes if you want to do a proper squat.

    also here's a deadlift... if you're lifting anything over your head in a dead then you are doing it very very wrong :laugh:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    After reading all of this, I shall invent a new exercise combining a conventional deadlift with a back squat at the same time. It will be the greatest exercise on the history of forever and I will be hailed as the king of all fitness. I shall call it 'The Dead Squat'. Prepare to be amazed!!!!!!
    I think the guy next to me was doing this. The more I watched him (although also trying to not stare), I think he just had short arms and long legs which is why he looked like he went into a squat, but I think he was dropping his but too much. It just looked odd.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    After reading all of this, I shall invent a new exercise combining a conventional deadlift with a back squat at the same time. It will be the greatest exercise on the history of forever and I will be hailed as the king of all fitness. I shall call it 'The Dead Squat'. Prepare to be amazed!!!!!!
    I think the guy next to me was doing this. The more I watched him (although also trying to not stare), I think he just had short arms and long legs which is why he looked like he went into a squat, but I think he was dropping his but too much. It just looked odd.

    This sounds like a lifting complex we did called the bear complex. You cleaned the weight to your shoulders, pressed it, then lowered it onto your back, did a back squat then pressed it again. Goal was to do the highest possible weight, so whichever of those movements was your weakest was the limiting factor
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    After reading all of this, I shall invent a new exercise combining a conventional deadlift with a back squat at the same time. It will be the greatest exercise on the history of forever and I will be hailed as the king of all fitness. I shall call it 'The Dead Squat'. Prepare to be amazed!!!!!!
    I think the guy next to me was doing this. The more I watched him (although also trying to not stare), I think he just had short arms and long legs which is why he looked like he went into a squat, but I think he was dropping his but too much. It just looked odd.

    I think they just call it a good morning when you dead lift and squat at the same time LOL
  • W31RD0
    W31RD0 Posts: 173 Member
    I know what you mean. I go to a Planet Fitness so efficient exercises are frowned upon. The one I go to primarily does have barbells, but they only go to 60lbs. One of my side goals is to be able to easily scoop my girlfriend and carry her in a manly way.

    I do heavier dumbell squats, but it just isn't the same.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    After reading all of this, I shall invent a new exercise combining a conventional deadlift with a back squat at the same time. It will be the greatest exercise on the history of forever and I will be hailed as the king of all fitness. I shall call it 'The Dead Squat'. Prepare to be amazed!!!!!!
    I think the guy next to me was doing this. The more I watched him (although also trying to not stare), I think he just had short arms and long legs which is why he looked like he went into a squat, but I think he was dropping his but too much. It just looked odd.

    This sounds like a lifting complex we did called the bear complex. You cleaned the weight to your shoulders, pressed it, then lowered it onto your back, did a back squat then pressed it again. Goal was to do the highest possible weight, so whichever of those movements was your weakest was the limiting factor

    YAY bear complex!!! I like to super set them with walking lunges- good times.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I live in STL and I deadlift and other people in my gym deadlift. Maybe just depends on the gym?

    and toasted ravioli is awesome!

    Where are you working out, can I ask? I'm at the Carondelet Park YMCA.

    I workout at Anytime Fitness in Ballwin
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    My gym is a small Anytime Fitness. I have never seen anyone other than me deadlift and I've only ever seen one other person squat outside of the smith machine, and only 2 or 3 squatting with it. The trainer even told me that I should use the Smith machine instead. It's sad, but I just hope that I'm not there at the same time as people who do.

    I didn't realize how much difference there was between gyms of the same brand. I go to an Anytime Fitness, and like half of the gym is super stoked because we just got a new power cage, two deadlift platforms, and new bumper plates. There are people doing oly lifts all the time. I had to wait for like 45 minutes (and the END of my back workout) to do deadlifts the other day because all of the oly bars were being used; deadlift, OHP, cleans - you name it, we have people doing it (yes, that includes the dudebros doing curls in the squat rack).

    I go to an Anytime Fitness also. It seems like our gym has changed recently to more oly lifting in the last year or so. I will change my workout if people are in the power rack and we did recently get another oly bar, which will help. There have always been people doing dumbbell squats and deadlifts though. We don't have a Smith machine.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I'm from STL and I loooooove deadlifts. I workout at home, which is probably why you've never seen me. BTW, hate IMOs and toasted ravioli.

    Gooey butter cake perhaps?

    Actually I make my own, better than anything you can get in a bakery.

    You have my full attention!

    I have a good recipe too, and it's easy....uses a box cake mix. It is delicious.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    My gym is really old school with lots and lots of oly bars, bench press areas etc.. But, only two power racks. When I'm there, I usually monopolize the rack. I do SL5x5 and am usually never bothered by people wanting to work in. I see the same guys ALWAYS curling like mad and the only leg work seems to be on massively overloaded leg press machines ( and that, very infrequently). I have had guys suggest I use the Smith Machine as it is "safer" for a girl, lol. Mind you, yesterday I hit my new 1RM PR deadlift of 205, and actually had people stop and stare, and even heard a few, "you can do it" comments. The only other person I've seen doing deadlifts and using the rack is a tiny female powerlifter that makes me look like a weakling. I was smart enough to go over and introduce myself, and now, if we are there at the same time, she always comes over and gives me pointers and coaching. She has really helped me improve my form.