Breakfast or No Breakfast?



  • Jennkies
    Jennkies Posts: 382 Member
    I have started eating 6 to 7 small "meals" a day, starting after my morning walk. As I have started eating every two hours (starting around 6) I find that my stomach feels full after only a few bites nearly every time I stop to eat. Balancing blood sugar by eating small meals throughout the day is a key to success - at least for someone like me who sometimes still struggled with eating too much.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I don't tend to eat breakfast...or eat it early if i do. I sometimes find i'm hungrier after having breakfast than if i don't have it.
  • Cardio4Cupcakes
    Cardio4Cupcakes Posts: 289 Member
    Depends on the day. Sometimes I'm ravenous when I wake up and something I can be okay with only coffee until noon.
  • jodyblanchard
    jodyblanchard Posts: 99 Member
    like they say its the most important meal of the day

    Most of the "they" who say that are trying to sell you something. Breakfast is mostly personal preference.

    Sad, but probably true! :-)
  • eaglelakebill
    eaglelakebill Posts: 120 Member
    I started eating breakfast when I started using MFP
    I have found it helps me get through the morning and
    I'm not starving for lunch.
    Listen to your body.
  • jodyblanchard
    jodyblanchard Posts: 99 Member
    It looks like you're perfectly suited for Intermittent fasting. It's not a fad diet, neither is it a fast. Please go through leangains dot com. He's got all the scientific evidence also laid out.

    Thank you so much for the "leangains" info. It was fascinating. I believe I am finally ok with what MY body is asking of me. After only 65 years!
  • Well technically... Everyone actually does eat breakfast. Breakfast is just that, BREAK FAST ... That is the first meal you eat after waking up from sleeping. So technically if you eat around 12-1pm and that's your first meal of the day, that would also be breakfast. :wink:
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    My buddy at work does not eat breakfast...does not want breakfast...does not like breakfast.

    he eats about 800-1000 calories for lunch and probably 1000-2000 calories for dinner. Every day. He doesn't work out and he looks pretty fit.

    He confirms the fact that meal timing and meal sizes are irrelevant to weight loss.

    The ONLY reason I eat every 3-4 hours is because I get HUNGRY every 3-4 hours. Somedays, when I feel like a triple baconator for lunch, i wont get hungry afterwards so i'll skip dinner. Some days, when I had way too much for dinner, i'll skip breakfast.

    Consistency over time is what matters. a few hours here or there and a few calories here or there wont make much of a difference in the long run.
  • Geloza
    Geloza Posts: 315 Member
    Well technically... Everyone actually does eat breakfast. Breakfast is just that, BREAK FAST ... That is the first meal you eat after waking up from sleeping. So technically if you eat around 12-1pm and that's your first meal of the day, that would also be breakfast. :wink:

    I like this. :drinker:
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I rarely did, mostly because a. I was lazy (not that that's changed much) and b. I often had to be at work fairly early. But then last year when my shifts got a little later I started eating it more. I feel less tired throughout the day and don't feel the need to snack as much. But just because it works for me doesn't mean it'll work for you.
  • Well technically... Everyone actually does eat breakfast. Breakfast is just that, BREAK FAST ... That is the first meal you eat after waking up from sleeping. So technically if you eat around 12-1pm and that's your first meal of the day, that would also be breakfast. :wink:


    I personally don't eat breakfast other than a coffee unless somebody I'm with wants to grab breakfast. I find that eating sort of triggers a hunger wave and I tend to actually eat more throughout the day than if I do not eat so early! I've lost a lot of weight after I stopped sticking to "traditional meal times" and eating when we are "supposed" to
    Everybody's body is different, so just do what you want :) If you are not finding yourself binge-eating due to not eating breakfast, it shouldn't be an issue for you
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    Breakfast literally makes me nauseous at times. If I try to force myself to eat, I gag. Other times breakfast is delicious, it all depends how I feel. If I don't want to eat, I don't; if I do, I do.