30 day shred starting today. Any takers?



  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Lisa - Good job getting through L3! I was the same, consentrated on cardio because of the calorie burn, but after doing this it really does bring home how important strength is.

    MrsPayne - My HRM is a cheap one with a chest strap too. I have no idea how acurate it is, but if I'm sweating this much then I'm going to claim all the cals it alows me to! I always deduct 30 from the total to allow for the BMR cals that MFP has already calculated.

    Mandy - Yes, 10 days on each level, although you may find that you feel ready to move on sooner, or need a few extra days, see how you go. By day 8 of level one I was feeling strong and could complete everything, but still puffing and blowing! I stuck with it until day 10 and then moved on because I was getting a bit bored of L1, even though it was still hard work. The same is true of L2, I've done day 9 today and after tomorrow I'll be ready to move on to 3.

    After batteling through the crowds at the shops yesterday afternoon I didn't feell like doing the extra work out. I've just done it for today, L2D9 complete! 1 more day on L2 to go!:smile:
  • fitnessmandy1
    fitnessmandy1 Posts: 20 Member
    kate: Thanks for the info!! And good job on getting so far...good luck on level 3!
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Level 1 - Day3 done!!! Do all of you do 10 days straight? Or do you take a break in between?
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    L3D5 completed! Was not in the mood to shred this evening, but it did feel good to complete the workout. I've been doubling up (yesterday I did level 3 followed by level 2; today i did level 3 followed by a level 1 workout) to try to get as close to 30 workouts in 25 days. If I double up the next two days, I'll get 29 workouts, but I'm not guaranteeing it. I'm happy to get to 27. :)

    Zita_Jenn: you should try to do the 30 days consecutively (Level 1 for 10 days followed by Level 2 for 10 days, etc), but if you need to take a day break (or can't do a workout one day), go ahead and do so. You can take it at a pace that feels comfortable (yet challenging) for you.

    Good luck as we begin another week!
  • L3D4 (Day 22 overall) completed. So, today is the first time when I've felt like I've been able to fully do this workout w/ a few minor modifications (excluding the rock star jumps....i look like a has been rock star trying these and do butt kicks or high knees instead). This is about the time in the previous workouts where I felt like I got a hang of everything and it goes relatively quicker than it did the past few workouts.

    Workout 3 is harder in some ways, but easier in others. It definitely is focuses on a lot of strength and core moves. I am not very strong, but I know that 3 weeks ago I could never have done any of the moves in workout 3 had I not been doing the earlier workouts. I'm very excited about building my strength and want to continue to challenge myself to focus on this in the future. I have largely ignored it and have stuck w/ cardio workouts because I always thought I burned more calories doing that, and now realize how important the strength/weights are to my overall fitness and health goals.

    I've lost 1-1.5 lbs per week since I've been doing the shred along w/ inches all over my body. I think I saw the most drastic change in the first week, week and a half in terms of trimming, but am feeling like I am much stronger now even if the inches are not coming off. I'll measure again on Tuesday, my 25th and last day of the shred. I'll hang it up for a month or so (due to surgery and recovery time), but will definitely be coming back to this when I get the doctor's clearance to start strenuous exercise again. :)

    Good job! Thanks for the feedback! Hope surgery and recovery goes well. I'm starting second week at level 2. Definitely see and feel my body changing. Going to try minimal modifications today. Really feel like I shouldn't have taken the weekend off, but convincing myself that its ok for me to take this it a slower pace. I've gone from 0-1 days of activities a week to 5 days a week of this shred video plus walking, so I guess that's good.
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Zita_Jenn: you should try to do the 30 days consecutively (Level 1 for 10 days followed by Level 2 for 10 days, etc), but if you need to take a day break (or can't do a workout one day), go ahead and do so. You can take it at a pace that feels comfortable (yet challenging) for you.

    Good luck as we begin another week!

    Thank's :) I will do just that :D
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Lisa - good luck for your surgery, wishing you a very speedy recovery.

    Zita_jenn - I took 3 or 4 days out when TOM was much heavier than expected and didn't feel like jumping around. It wont hurt to take a break now and then.

    Crlflowers - Your doing great! The odd rest day wont hurt.

    I've just ordered JM's no more trouble zones and Banish fat boost metabloism Dvd's. I don't want to quit my home workouts once the shred is over. I'm going to set up a January JM challenge in a couple of weeks where I'll aim do one Jillian Michaels work out a day, it doesn't matter which one, although I'll probably work out my own schedule before it starts. This way I can mix up the shred and the two new ones and hopefully wont get bored. I'd love it if some of you guys would like to join me, doing this as a group has really kept me motivated to contiune, I probably would have given up long before now if we wern't for encouraging each other along. :flowerforyou:

    I'll be doing my last day of L2 this evening nce littel one is in bed. Then bring on L3:happy:
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 523 Member
    OMG I am such a failure!! I still haven't done Day 1!! I am not doing well. I am so unmotivated and still so fat!
    I really need a buddy to bully me every day!

    I am going running tonight with my running chum and then tomorrow..... lets hit the 30DS. I need to jump start this weight loss.

    So angry with myself :-(
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    You CAN do it! Gettining into the routine is the hardest part. once the first few days are out of the way it'll be fine:flowerforyou:
  • OMG I am such a failure!! I still haven't done Day 1!! I am not doing well. I am so unmotivated and still so fat!
    I really need a buddy to bully me every day!

    I am going running tonight with my running chum and then tomorrow..... lets hit the 30DS. I need to jump start this weight loss.

    So angry with myself :-(

    Don't be angry!! Just get up and DO IT!!! You can!! If I can do this, anyone can!! I'll be checking in everyday for a while!! See you here tomorrow for your day one!

  • Crlflowers - Your doing great! The odd rest day wont hurt.

    THANKS!!! I love the encouragement I get here!!

    I'm going to set up a January JM challenge in a couple of weeks where I'll aim do one Jillian Michaels work out a day,

    I'll be looking for that and will join!! Thanks!!
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    Hi all!

    just checking back in. I missed days on fri and sa - work xmas party and i was on a weekend trip - but I DID do the shred on sunday while i was away, and I got up this morning early to do it. I am planning on doing it every morning from now on - really wakes me up!!

    I am on level 2, day 4 and I feel SO much better
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    finnhead---you can do it! many of us on this thread did not think we'd continue after the first workout, but i promise, it gets easier and you will feel differently about yourself (inside and out) after just a few days of doing this. please let us know when you do your first workout.

    kate--thank you for starting this thread. i've found it extremely helpful to be connected w/ others doing it. it has kept me motivated! i'll also look for future challenges that you start.

    L3D6 is history (26 workouts in 24 days)! tomorrow is my last workout. i'm looking forward to not having to wash my hair every day (which i've had to do throughout this challenge b/c i sweat so much during the workout).
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 523 Member
    ok... so I didnt do 30DS yesterday but I did go for a run!! (first time after about 2 months) and it wasnt as dreadful as I anticipated... so i came back red, puffed out and very pleased with myself!!

    I haven't time to run tonight so I will do 30DS instead.

    thanks for your support ladies :-)
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    Hi all! I got up AGAIN this morning to do the shred - it's really nice, really wakes me up in the morning, and I start the day out on the right foot!!

    I have on a pair of jeans today that I haven't dared to look at for a while. They are snug, but they fit, and they remind me to stay on track :)

    ALSO I really notice a change in my ab muscles - I can feel the definition at the top - and my triceps are GREAT! Also, my calf muscles look nice and defined.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi all! I got up AGAIN this morning to do the shred - it's really nice, really wakes me up in the morning, and I start the day out on the right foot!!

    I have on a pair of jeans today that I haven't dared to look at for a while. They are snug, but they fit, and they remind me to stay on track :)

    ALSO I really notice a change in my ab muscles - I can feel the definition at the top - and my triceps are GREAT! Also, my calf muscles look nice and defined.

    I'm in awe of you getting up and doing your workout so early! Well done on fitting into your jeans, great milestone!

    I did my last L2 last night. I felt much stronger. Although I still find some of the ab work hard. I'm going to move on anyway. I tried the first part of L3 too. I thought I'd get a jump start on it because the first day I did level 2 I was just trying to co ordinate the moves, and it felt like a waste of a work out if you KWIM. But I only got as far as half way through the cardio in section 2 before caving! Phew it was tough especially after trying to give my all for my last L2. I have to say I'm not looking forward to going back to square one again tonight. To go from really working L2 to being back panting and not knowing what to do on L3. I know that in 3 or 4 days time I'll be 'getting' it again, but its just the thought of getting back into a different workout.
    Sorry rambling this morning, think I needmore coffee......
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    Hi all! I got up AGAIN this morning to do the shred - it's really nice, really wakes me up in the morning, and I start the day out on the right foot!!

    I have on a pair of jeans today that I haven't dared to look at for a while. They are snug, but they fit, and they remind me to stay on track :)

    ALSO I really notice a change in my ab muscles - I can feel the definition at the top - and my triceps are GREAT! Also, my calf muscles look nice and defined.

    I'm in awe of you getting up and doing your workout so early! Well done on fitting into your jeans, great milestone!

    I did my last L2 last night. I felt much stronger. Although I still find some of the ab work hard. I'm going to move on anyway. I tried the first part of L3 too. I thought I'd get a jump start on it because the first day I did level 2 I was just trying to co ordinate the moves, and it felt like a waste of a work out if you KWIM. But I only got as far as half way through the cardio in section 2 before caving! Phew it was tough especially after trying to give my all for my last L2. I have to say I'm not looking forward to going back to square one again tonight. To go from really working L2 to being back panting and not knowing what to do on L3. I know that in 3 or 4 days time I'll be 'getting' it again, but its just the thought of getting back into a different workout.
    Sorry rambling this morning, think I needmore coffee......


    i know what you mean - I feel like I am finally "getting" level 2 so I can really work the moves. But isn't it great to see how quickly you improve? Almost makes you wish there was a level 4, and 5.... etc..
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    L3D1 done. Some shape!
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    L1D8! I can't believe I've actually done 8 days in a row! I'm so proud of myself. I'm noticing a difference in my endurance, but not my body, yet! However, I dont think I will be ready for level 2 in 2 days. How much harder is level 2 than level 1? Maybe I should watch it and see what I have coming. :)
  • lisayvonne
    lisayvonne Posts: 32 Member
    Way to go, MrsPayne! Each level is progressively more difficult and there will be challenging moves in each level. I think it helps to watch the workout before you do the first one for Levels 2 and 3 because there are some moves that you can't do while watching the tv screen. I have seen significant improvements in some of the moves that I found really difficult (impossible) to do the first time I did the workout. If you keep at it, you'll notice your endurance and strength increasing at L2 and L3 workouts just like you are seeing at L1.

    Kate---congrats on completing your first L3 workout!! I remember feeling so clutzy doing it the first time. I just completed my 7th workout at L3 and felt so proud that I could do both sets of plank walks (and lunge jumps) Natalie style. My thighs look more defined and muscular after all of the squats, lunges, jumps across the 3 levels.

    Now that I'm done (27 workouts in 25 days: 7 @ L3; 11 @ L2; 9 @ L1), I'll report on final measurements and lbs lost tomorrow morning. Good luck to all of you as you continue on the workouts through the holidays! Your body will curse you and praise you at the same time! :)
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