Sore from Lifting



  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Honestly, if I'm this hurt after a small progression, a big progression is quite scary.

    That's what I'm worried about Asa. I know you and I are of similar size, and I started out my squats at 75 and could keep increasing at 5 lbs until about 130. My deadlifts at 120 and started to slow it down at 150. My presses/bench are still pretty weak, though I started the bare bar at 45 with both.

    And I don't think I'm a particularly strong woman by any means. So, since you're so sore from much lighter weights, I'm worried that your form is off or you've injured yourself somewhere and are mistaking that pain for soreness.
  • shor0814
    shor0814 Posts: 559 Member
    That's what I'm trying to do, is add five pounds per workout until I can't.

    That's what the Strong Lifts site recommended.

    Fortunately for me my lovely boyfriend forgot to pack the weights this morning, so I get an out of jail free card today.

    I'll try to turn up the heat Saturday night.

    I gotta work my 2nd job all damn day, than drive an hour.

    But we should have time to lift before the sun goes down.

    Honestly, if I'm this hurt after a small progression, a big progression is quite scary.

    You used Stronglifts for progression advice but they also call for 5x5, are you sure you want to do 10+ reps? Are you fatiguing and compromising form and causing pain?

    Linear progression at 10+ reps doesn't sound like a good plan for you based on what you are describing.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    How do you know your form is on point?

    I wonder if Lindsey isn't on to something.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    Are you experiencing muscle soreness or actual pain? There is a big difference.

    If it is actual pain because you're lifting wrong and injuring yourself, then you need to take a break and study proper form for the lifts that are causing injury.

    If it's actual soreness, and the soreness is so incredibly bad that you can't function, then skip the lifts and take an extra day or two off. I know a lot of people are telling you to push through it, but I'm of the belief that you need to listen to your body. There are times when you need to suck it up and push through the soreness; this does not seem like one of them.

    I looked at the routine you posted. It's too much for a beginner. You're doing bench, squat, deadlift, pressing... Those alone will kill a beginner. Then you're adding accessory exercises. It's no wonder you feel like crap.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I have a Dr.Ho muscle therapy system. Yes..basically shocks that act like a massage.

    OMG it feels SOOOOO good on sore/pulled muscles. Best investment ever. I dont know if it actually makes the pain go away any faster...but it feels good. I also continue to do light exercise and lots of stretching. I find if I stay makes it worse and last longer.

    Also - Advil.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    DAW MY BOYFRIEND BOUGHT ME A FOAM ROLLER FOR MY IT BAND! Daw... that's just the sweetest damn thing EVER! Sry for caps! How sweet is that?
  • FitRoberta
    FitRoberta Posts: 73 Member
    Hi Asa,

    I'm new to MFP but not new to lifting. (I'm female, mid-40s, and have lifted on and off for over 20 years.) Things that have helped me with soreness have already been mentioned by others, but thought I'd put my two cents in for what has helped me the most:

    1. Following a program. Right now it's New Rules of Lifting for Women, but in the past it has been many other popular programs, and also individualized ones created by my personal trainer at the time. Having a reputable program makes all the difference. Please try it! I agree with the general consensus here, that you are doing too much, of everything -- reps, sets, exercises. And yes, ditch the curls. No need for them if you are doing compound chest and back exercises.

    2. Eating enough protein, especially getting some in the first hour after lifting. I seriously didn't believe this for years, the part about refueling soon after lifting. It seemed like some kind of hocus-pocus that I freely ignored because it was inconvenient. But holy moly, does it ever help. I was so wrong, and now I'm a believer. I also take BCAA's post-lifting sometimes, when I remember. I think they help too, but that's a recent thing for me, so I'm not positive.

    3. "Flushing" my muscles by doing some cardio in between lifting seems to help, especially when I feel particularly stiff.

    4. Hot epsom baths, getting deep tissue massage, using my at-home electric stim machine on particularly sore muscles, icing muscles... all things I rely on when I'm extra sore. But it's not every workout, it's more when I change things up and wake up some dormant muscle fibers. They wake up screaming!

    FYI I do 5 min. of walking on treadmill/elliptical before lifting, and I stretch for about 5 minutes after I lift. I don't know if these things help with soreness, because I've always done them, just part of my habit.

    The amount of pain you are describing is concerning, and I suspect it is due to the program you are following, but it's hard to tell. Of the things above that I listed, having a reputable program to follow is the most important, and none of the other things will help if you are over-training or injured. No disrespect to your boyfriend, but I think you are doing too many exercises, at too many reps/sets per workout.

    Yay that your boyfriend bought you a foam roller! Have fun with it. I have one that I always forget to use, so that's probably my bad.

    Good luck!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I finally got a chance to use the foam roller after sword practice tonight. It did hurt, but I feel so much better after just a couple minutes rolling around on the thing. This is the start of a very long term, very masochistic relationship. If you have muscle issues, always getting hurt or pulling them please buy yourself this wonderful torture device.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I think I even slept better last night. I usually come out of Mondays very upset from feeling overworked and exhausted. That's the day I work all day, than sword class, then cooking, then cleaning, and it's lately been feeling like too much, sore and a terrible way to start the week. I slept like a baby with no muscle relaxers or chamomile tea! And I actually feel good today! Not dreading the evenings festivities or the many, many hours before I can rest again. I love the foam roller! It's my new friend ((hugs)).
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    We also took a week off... not on purpose, just because he kept forgetting the weights.

    1 week off + foam roller = I feel so much better
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    . This is the start of a very long term, very masochistic relationship.

    that's pretty much the best way to sum up using a foam roller.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Thanks to you all for recommending it!
