Cruise eating tips



  • bjburg24
    bjburg24 Posts: 6 Member
    Do the walking that you can. I am working with an arthritic hip joint and have found swimming to be a saving grace. Our ship had two pools,one inside and one outside. I usually would find the indoor pool empty after about 5 PM and did several sets of laps then. Do use the stairs if they don't hurt. We couldn't believe all the folks that ALWAYS rode the elevators. We were on the 11th deck and rarely used the elevators to go 3-4 levels.
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    My philosophy is I didn't get overweight in 5 days, I won't lose it in 5 days and 5 days of enjoying life without worry every once in a while will not ruin my progress. I just had my first break in 4 months last weekend and got right back on the grind afterwards. It felt good to indulge and it felt even better to get back to my current WOE. Don't micro-manage what you "should" eat; just make healthy decisions if you want and enjoy yourself.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I did a 10 day cruise. Mostly eggs and a bit of mueslie fruit and yogurt for brekkie. Whatever I wanted for lunch but heavy on salad and veggies remember what a portion of meat looks like and just be wary of creamy sauces, they are delicious but will triple your calorie count. I had desert every meal, don't go mad, often I wanted to try 2 or 3 choices so tiny portions, if it was pre cut like cake I shared it with hubby.
    We walked all over the ship including every night for half an hour on deck and never took the lift.
    I was mind full but not restrictive. I put on 2lb but in the grand scheme of things that's not the end of the world. It takes 3500 calories to put on a lb you could have 700 calories extra a day and put on just one pound. So relax and enjoy :-)