Your experience with a Fitbit?



  • kevinuc74
    kevinuc74 Posts: 35 Member
    I got the fitbit flex for my birthday and started using it at the start of July. I LOVE it. I use the sleep tracker too. It's interesting what you learn from it. I don't even notice the flex on my wrist. The battery keeps going for days which is nice. It's really good to use for knowing how far you've walked in a day too. Otherwise I wouldn't have a clue. I think the price is definitely worth it. Go for it! You deserved it.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I've had other fitbits, but I have the Flex, which I love the most. I love it because I can wear it in the shower. I don't have to worry about forgetting to put it back on because it's always on. I love it. I think it's amazing. The only thing I've had a problems with is that after a while my wrist bands tend to break. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if they make them that way to get more money? Anyway, I would would recommend.

    That happened to me and they replaced my band for free. :)
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    I swallowed mine once to see how many steps I take between dumps. Thing still runs like a champ. My wrist smells funny though. Anyways, hope this helps.

    That's funny. I did that once too to see how many steps before it was returned to me. Had Mexican food after swallowing the FitBit and ... 8 very fast steps later I had it in hand!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Congrats! I have the Fitbit Plus....I love it and use it every day except at bed time. It also syncs to this webpage to make everything seamless.
  • Swiftlet66
    Swiftlet66 Posts: 729 Member
    I was considering buying the flex too but I ended up buying the One since I do a lot of work with my hands, I didn't want to screw up the total step results. Love my fitbit! It's nice to see average calorie burned daily and it helps keep me motivated.
  • Rogue_Girl
    Rogue_Girl Posts: 36 Member
    I have a Fitbit Force which you can no longer get, but... I still have opinions! :-)

    ~ it tells me how horribly I sleep
    ~ it tells me the time (so I don't look quite as silly as I do right now, wearing both a watch on one arm and the Fitbit on the other)
    ~ it continues to freak me out when I hit goal steps - the thing vibrates!
    ~ it talks to my mobile, which will send me little motivational messages about how many more steps I need to make goal, or, on those rare days, when I'm super ambitious and go over goal!
    ~ works well with MFP

    ~ it tells me how horribly I sleep
    ~ the band - I've only had it fall off me once, at home thankfully, but it's the one thing I don't like about it - it's not a sturdy strap.

    I don't wear it in the shower, I'm not walking in there that much, and I do feel that I need to give my wrist a bit of a breather now and then. But for the most part, I'm pretty loyal to wearing it all the time for both sleep and step tracking.

    And... thanks for being awesome. I applaud you on your 115 days of being self-harm free. May you have many, many, many more "free" days.
  • kiniece
    kiniece Posts: 96 Member
    Congrats on recovery!!! :flowerforyou:
    I have both the Fitbit Force (they no longer sell it but I didn't return mine during the recall and still use it with no problems) and a Fitbit One (for those days I want to wear a regular watch but still track). Both products perform very well!!! Linked with MFP and other Fitbit Friends, it has been a great motivator in staying active and healthy! Very happy with both :D

    I'm recovering from Self Harm and I'm thinking of rewarding myself for being 115 days clean in a little over 2 weeks by buying a Fitbit Flex wristband. What have your experiences with Fitbit products been? If I should be considering some other similar product, what would you recommend?