Any Women suffering from PCOS- Need friend/support



  • jozkny
    jozkny Posts: 17 Member
    I am 37 and was diagnosed w/PCOS when I was 18. After being told I would not be able to get pregnant, I had 2 healthy babies 2 years apart. My pregnancies were not healthy- I had pre-eclampsia and other complications with both- but my babies were healthy. Following the birth of my youngest (who is 15 now) I had a tubal ligation, cystectomy and then a uterine ablation. None of these were successful long term- simply treating symptoms. I FINALLY got a doctor once I was in my 30s who got to the root of it instead of treating symptoms. My last surgey was in 2011. I was on Metformin but did not notice any differences so (with my doctors go-ahead) I went off of it again. I was on and off hormones, and other meds- but currently take none because nothing seems to help!
    The most frustrating part for me is, while my weight doesnt go up- it plateaus so that no matter what I do and how hard I workout & eat right, I cant seem to lose. One challenge of PCOS I have found is to others I "look ok" so they just think I am overweight because of bad habits or laziness. It is not a visible disease so others are quick to judge! Keep up the effort & get the most accurate information you can!
  • Hi,
    I am 43 have PCOS and one child. In terms of dealing with the cysts themselves (and lack of TOM as a result) I make sure to do seven days of very strict low carb every 90 days. Without fail this reduces cysts and brings on TOM. This doesn't really fix my weight problem (I can't stick to the very strict low carb long enough to fix my weight issues) but it is healthier than no TOM and may be a helpful tip to those of you who worry about that and/or fertility. Good luck to all.
  • Yes, people are quick to judge despite a very healthy lifestyle. I am probably the most health conscious person in my family by choice, but because of PCOS, people assume I'm not. I'm so encouraged that so many have had healthy pregnancies with PCOS. I've been on a whole foods diet for a while but am not thinking of taking it to Paleo to reduce carbs even more. Anyone had success with that?
  • Catter_05
    Catter_05 Posts: 155 Member
    I've always been a relatively healthy eater. Mostly because I really like vegetables and fruits. I also have IBS to go along with my PCOS so fast food places are out of the question for me.
    This is the first time I've tried cutting out most of the carbs from my diet. I was really resistant to this idea for a very long time but I've been really pleasantly surprised by how easily it has gone (so far). And seriously I love carbs! However, I decided since I have a new Dr. I will follow his plan and see if it works for me. My appetite is down too, which is weird because I'm always hungry.
    Apparently, if you are insulin resistant you shouldn't even eat a whole banana in one sitting, only half, then wait at least two hours before having the other half. Too much sugar. I had no idea. Has anyone else's Dr. Told them things like this?
  • mickiebabs
    mickiebabs Posts: 183 Member
    For those that are trying to conceive, when we were trying I got a lot of support from the PCOS forums on It also helped with tracking my cycles. And since they have a pregnancy side that is separate, it was a little easier to deal with than reading tons of info about perfectly healthy happy families that were conceived with little trying. Infertility is devastating. Even though we've given up adding to our clan, I still have trouble dealing with people in the family having new babies. Especially those that are not ready to have a family and get pregnant so easily. One of my step-sisters had a baby in October and I would do anything for them because I know the tough road her and her husband went through and are still going through now that the baby has been diagnosed with a life long illness, but another is due this month and I can't bring myself to have anything to do with her or the baby since it was an oops with a "friend" and she's still bouncing from her dad's to her mom's even though she's 30. A little selfish and irrational maybe but infertility makes people be irrational at times. is supposed to be another good site for pcos support.
  • charm9
    charm9 Posts: 56 Member
    Charm9-- I can totally relate to your story! My drive to control my weight to jump start my own body is so high. We have been trying for two months; granted, it's still early, but with a new diagnosis of PCOS, I feel like I took a step back. I'm so confused because I came of BC and I have no clue what a "normal" cycle is. I want to read pregnancy blogs etc, but they all discuss normal signs and symptoms of pregnancy etc, but I cannot relate because I simply have no clue what normal looks like for me. I am so sorry about your miscarriage.

    Hi mljenson
    I have not had a normal cycle since I started my periods. I can go for months without one (anything up to 8 months) and then I can go for few months of having monthly cycles. I have tried tracking and have a range of apps to help me but they are just so irregular it is impossible. I think my first pregnancy was luck because I fell pregnant on my honey moon so I obviously ovulated when I was most relaxed. I also look on forums about trying to conceive but cannot related as mine are so irregular. Fingers crossed for us both.
  • Thrive has helped my daughter with this.......check it out
  • Sounds like we are pretty similar in cycles. I'm about to start Metformin and my doctor is very confident a healthy lifestyle change and medication will help my body remember what to do. I'm 23, so I'm not too worried yet and I recently lost almost 10 lbs, so at least I'm proactive and headed in the right direction. I actually thought I could be pregnant this last two weeks--many symptoms I've been tracking. Today was 13 dpo (or rather when I THINK I o'd), but I got a negative. Thanks for reaching out!
    Charm9-- I can totally relate to your story! My drive to control my weight to jump start my own body is so high. We have been trying for two months; granted, it's still early, but with a new diagnosis of PCOS, I feel like I took a step back. I'm so confused because I came of BC and I have no clue what a "normal" cycle is. I want to read pregnancy blogs etc, but they all discuss normal signs and symptoms of pregnancy etc, but I cannot relate because I simply have no clue what normal looks like for me. I am so sorry about your miscarriage.

    Hi mljenson
    I have not had a normal cycle since I started my periods. I can go for months without one (anything up to 8 months) and then I can go for few months of having monthly cycles. I have tried tracking and have a range of apps to help me but they are just so irregular it is impossible. I think my first pregnancy was luck because I fell pregnant on my honey moon so I obviously ovulated when I was most relaxed. I also look on forums about trying to conceive but cannot related as mine are so irregular. Fingers crossed for us both.
  • kimbailey1982
    kimbailey1982 Posts: 17 Member
    After I had my 1st child back in 2005, I was diagnosed with PCOS. I lost over 50lbs in 2010 and all of my PCOS symptoms went away. I have had 2 children since then and gained 35lbs back, and now I'm working on losing that 35lbs and then some :) Good Luck!! Also, you can add me if you want :)