26-year old female seeking to lose 130lbs. fellow bloggers?



  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    hmmm.... I wasn't going to respond to this, but you ignited me to fight back. None of these are excuses, but more so a look at the complexity of it. I hope you are not this rude to everyone one. We all have to start from somewhere

    1.) Not tracking my weight or food. I lost weight before and was tracking for almost a year and lost a lot of weight. But honestly? I got sick of the tracking. I wanted to be like my friends, not needing to look at the nutritional label every time we went out. I figured I lost the weight, so what the hell, ditch tracking. Now I am obviously back to it.

    2.) Not going to the doctors- I hadn't gone to my Gyno in 2 years and I haven't had a primary car provider since my pediatrician. What motivated me to start losing again was finding out that fat is starting to attach to my liver and also that until i lose wight, I am unable to get pregnant. These two things were completly off my radar, and now they are.

    3.) Change in Income & Career. I took a pay cut, more work hours and a sedentary desk job in order to peruse my career track. I am an AmeriCorp VISTA, which means living on $800 a month. After rent & bills, it leaves not very much for high quality food. Along with my work schedule, I was often relying on McDonald for my 3 meals; $1 breakfast burrito, $1 mcdouble, $1 mcickhen. When i had the extra cash, I would bump that up to two of each. My boyfriend helps out by buying most of the groceries, but his tastes tend to be more junk food and processed food.

    4.) PCOS- Polycystic ovary syndrome makes it very difficult to lose weight. My hormones are constantly telling my body to store. Look it up so maybe you can have some greater understanding and compassion.

    5.) Holidays & Winter - I was 280 until the holidays came. Then I gradually went up to 300 and beyond. I live in Vermont and if you are unaware, we had a very, very long winter filled with bellow zero temperatures and lots of snow. Not only does this impact the ability to outside and exercise, but also your mood. It was challenging to get out of bed msot mornings, none the less think about getting more active. I was in a pretty bad funk. Not feeling great about my performance at work, questioning my relationship, stressing about bills. My weight getting up to 300 was not the highest on my priority list.

    6.) My lovely boyfriend; bless his heart. He always thinks I'm beautiful, thinks I'm gorgeous without makeup on, loves taking me out for Chinese food and treating me to date nights that include heavy appetizers and lots of drinks. His perfect night though is curled up on the couch, binge watching netlfix. I am not blaming him, but we are definitely comfortable around each other and I don't feel the need to worry about my weight around him. I heard a quote from Miranda Lambert. She said "Dude, why didn't you tell me I got fat?' He said, 'It's not my job to tell you you're fat. It's my job to tell you you're beautiful." That is my boyfriend. And I love him for it

    7.) Dealing with drinking issues. I got a DUI in Jan of 2012 and after then my weight really started to change. Before, i was drinking 3-18 beers per day, before and after work. After my DUI, I had to deal with those issues. Now, I drink socially, usually once or twice a month. But obviously, there is some emotional, coping reason why I drank, because food has often been a safe alternative. Instead of picking up that 24oz of beer before work or smoking a joint, i would get a cheese danish. Pick your poison I guess.

    so in short, I am not f**king perfect and I guarantee you are not as well.

    Go you for standing up for yourself.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    You can do this. You have a realistic time frame in mind, and you seem to have a good handle on the habits that lead to your weight gain. I would suggest the following --

    Don't feel the need to explain yourself to internet strangers that have nothing to offer you. It takes a LOT of effort and usually leads to a pissing match.

    You did a great job with your response, but it was wasted on a *kitten* that could care less. Put that energy into yourself and your efforts to get healthy and fit! Best of luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Sure! I try to update my blog once a month with monthly goals and reflection. I'd be happy to follow you.
  • dd4238
    dd4238 Posts: 25 Member
    I heard a quote from Miranda Lambert. She said "Dude, why didn't you tell me I got fat?' He said, 'It's not my job to tell you you're fat. It's my job to tell you you're beautiful." That is my boyfriend. And I love him for it

    Sounds wonderful. Feel free to add me, I am currently logging everyday with almost all of my food intake except for some dinners where I just forget.
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    You can do this. You have a realistic time frame in mind, and you seem to have a good handle on the habits that lead to your weight gain. I would suggest the following --

    Don't feel the need to explain yourself to internet strangers that have nothing to offer you. It takes a LOT of effort and usually leads to a pissing match.

    You did a great job with your response, but it was wasted on a *kitten* that could care less. Put that energy into yourself and your efforts to get healthy and fit! Best of luck to you :flowerforyou:

    this . just ignore that rude person
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Welcome! I'm 26 as well and have about 60 more pounds to lose (ideally - where my body says stop I'm gonna stop though) and am down about 30 so far. I'm probably a more wannabee type blogger (couchcritique.wordpress.com)... but feel free to add me!
  • lauramw87
    lauramw87 Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me...I'll be turning 27 in October, and my ultimate goal is 175 lost. I've lost 25 so far.
  • I do! Mine is sillyvtgirl. I can't find you for some reason tho.