Not sure how long I can do this for....



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I listen to podcasts, use visualisations of myself looking lean and eat cement to keep the negative thoughts at bay.
    Hahaha! :bigsmile: Thanks for the laugh!

    This journey is 90% mental and 10% GETTING IT DONE. If you aren't ready to commit and be an active participant in getting healthy and being fit, then you are not going to be successful here. The cold, hard truth!

    Good luck.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I have 2 Aces in my pocket, 1st I hate to WASTE $$, so you'll seldom find me at any fast food joints, esp Starbucks.

    2nd, Diabetes is not particular of persons & I refuse to entertain that notion. Naturally, there's an endless list of self-inflicted diseases...

    I'lve learned to like working out and drinking a lot water, but I really love the energy I have, not to mention the clothes I can wear :tongue: Figure out what makes you tick....
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    Honey I just had that fight an hour ago. I was getting my son and I our afternoon snacks. He had chocolate milk and a homemade pb choc chip cookie from grandma's house. As I stood there cutting up my orange and weighing my grapes, I was thinking that I would seriously give my right arm to for chocolate... the problem was I wasn't thinking about one cookie ... no the container of icing that is sitting in our downstairs pantry because my step daughter wanted it to make brownies (and didnt) when she was here this weekend. Ultimately, I settled for a bite of Wyatt's cookie and made the choice to eat my orange and grapes.

    But... it's tough and some days the healthy voice does not win out. But, I'm learning that it is okay to fall... as long you pick yourself back up. Like someone else said, we cannot give you the motivation and the will to want this ... but.... we can give you support, guidance and maybe, just maybe ... that little extra desire to kick that unwanted room mate out of your brain.
  • Please don't give up! Today is my 3rd day and I am feeling great today, but I know my day will come too and if you and others quit it makes my will harder to stay too. Makes my brain start thinking how hard it is but we have to be strong! You will be fine and tomorrow is another day. Be sure to have a cheat day and not feel guilty for it! Hope you are feeling better soon!
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Don't give up. I have been there-have been there for the past few years. I just got tired of wanting to look different, and decided instead of complaining about it-I would actually do something about it. It has been three weeks for me, and wow is that naughty voice, naughty! The other day it convinced me to have a frosty at Wendys! But....right after that-I felt so guilty that I now realize-the self hate isn't worth even that cheating.

    I know that I will eat bad things and will probably mess up-but hey-it's a journey, not an overnight thing. I know that it didn't take me three weeks to get this size, so I sure can't lose it in three weeks!

    You CAN DO THIS! CHIN UP! Just think of how awesome you are going to look and feel!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Thanks Everyone for your kind words and lots of encouragement. You guys are the is just what I need to keep going. I know I am a complainer but sometimes it helps to just vent and then you guys are there to encourage me and that's what keeps me going.

    Again thanks to all you let a kind word!!
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    Just remember that its not 1 day of eating bad that is going to make you gain weight its eating bad everyday. When I start feeling bad about eating healthy and wanting to quit, I go a head and allow myself to eat something "bad". Usually its enough to get me back on track.

    Also this is not a "diet" its a lifestyle change, allow your self treats every now and again...
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