


  • cosmichvoyager
    cosmichvoyager Posts: 237 Member
    yeah, I always get the munchies way worse with alcohol than with weed, it is one of the reasons I don't drink very often.
    I'm not in college though...good luck!

    LOL, but seriously. Carry healthy snacks with you. A small apple, a protein bar, etc will help stave off eating a ton of junk. Even junk food is ok in moderation, imo. Definitely log the alcohol you consume and see if that inspires you to cut down. I drink even less now that I log the calories.
    Even if you are consistently going over your calorie goals, keep logging so you don't give up!

    Less beer, more exercise, carrying a healthy snack--you are a young guy (?) so you should at least be able to slow your weight gain with relatively minor behavior changes. If you are drinking every night though, or to excess regularly then I urge you to honestly examine your behavior and that of the friend group you are a part of.
  • drone8
    drone8 Posts: 4 Member
    Eat something decent/filling before you go out and drink all you want. You will make up the calories by not eating breakfast and lunch the next day since you'll be sleeping anyway =)
    Hey guys, so I'm in college and like to party a bit and of course we all know that makes it SUPER difficult to keep track on your diet and stuff (I just had to log a very embarrassing amount of calories from last night...) and obviously the main solution to that is to not drink and ton of beer/gorge yourself on munchie food... but I'm just curious if there's anyone out there who knows how to cut back but still have a good time at a party?
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member

    sounds like your SO doesnt trust you. dump her
  • Capreeca
    Capreeca Posts: 3 Member
    If you're gonna party I would suggest you keep track of everything.
    And if not, hit up a club and burn them calories off ;P
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    Try a tea party. :bigsmile:

    You can rawk out to the 'Nuge and hate the president. 0 calories.
  • As far as drinking goes, my go to drink when I'm trying to watch what I'm drinking is sugar free red bull vodkas (low card diet). They keep me going and still get drunk pretty decently. The same can be applied to rum and diet coke etc...

    I also try to incorporate a more intense/longer workout when I know I will be going hard just in case I overindulge. Just make sure you don't go overboard BECAUSE you had an intense workout and you should be good.