how to loose body fat?



  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Ah, come on jamal - you asked all these questions when you started your bulk. Gain weight: surplus calories, lose weight: calorie deficit!!

    (Recomp: body recomposition - eat at or slightly above maintainence (while hitting the weights))
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Are you finished with your bulk? If yes, then cut or recomp. If not, though, you need to just ride it out and continue with your bulk.
  • Megmo127
    Megmo127 Posts: 76 Member

    I just got back from holidays with my friends and have been eating a lot of junk food. I would like to drop my body fat.

    I usually do 4 sessions of weigth lifting per week and 2 sessions of cardio.

    Which advises can you give me to loose body fat: more cardio? Stop eating fat? Reduce my calorie intake?


    Case in point. Seriously, bud, I mean this from the heart - get professional help.
  • Megmo127
    Megmo127 Posts: 76 Member

    I just got back from holidays with my friends and have been eating a lot of junk food. I would like to drop my body fat.

    I usually do 4 sessions of weigth lifting per week and 2 sessions of cardio.

    Which advises can you give me to loose body fat: more cardio? Stop eating fat? Reduce my calorie intake?


    Case in point. Seriously, bud, I mean this from the heart - get professional help.

    And by "professional help" I am not referring to dietary help, but mental help. You truly need and deserve it.
  • JoshLikesBeer
    JoshLikesBeer Posts: 88 Member
    Caloric deficit to loose fat? Diet is so hard... I am not used to restrict myself anymore...
    As the page title on your profile says, no pain, no gain.

    You can maintain a caloric deficit without going around hungry all the time if you eat a lot of vegetables.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    There is a way to lose bodyfat without a calorie deficit. You should speak to your doc about it to see if you're a candidate. It's called liposuction.