Looking for UK buddies...



  • siport
    siport Posts: 7,429 Member
    North Kent here, come add me and say hi

  • Hi guys. I'm restarting here as of today, set up a new account and now it's time to get serious again.
    I live in Somerset. I have lost 50lbs already and have another 50lbs to lose.
    I am also getting back into running, I will be following the couch to 5k app, so if anyone is keen on running that would be cool for motivation.

    Feel free to add me. Thanks
  • Hey I'm from Bristol too.. Feel free to add me
  • jspanman
    jspanman Posts: 686 Member
    Hi people, on here from North Yorkshire. In need of some motivation! :)
  • Hi, I'm from sunny East Lothian, I've got over 60lbs to lose - feel free to add me :)
  • parkes93
    parkes93 Posts: 76
    Hi from the uk .. St. Albans .. Anyone feel free to add me as looking for people also as just started back up .. Thanks
  • 1971MLJ
    1971MLJ Posts: 137 Member
    North East of England here, happy to have new friends, feel free to add. I log daily.
  • Hi I'm from Swansea, anyone feel free to add me. My diary is open to friends and I'm a daily logger.

    I'm 36 and I'm 10 weeks into quite a journey, I've lost 47lbs so far and looking to lose another 106lbs.
  • MusclenMascara
    MusclenMascara Posts: 50 Member
    I'm in Portsmouth! Not new to MFP but new to the whole adding friends thing - still trying to work it all out!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi

    I am from Hampshire, feel free to add me :)
  • _SoundWave_
    _SoundWave_ Posts: 237 Member
    Sunny Glasgow, oh wait I lie, Glasgow is rarely sunny however it does have fab people like me who live there lol Daily logger, gym rat and lost 136lbs as of this morning!

    I'm very chatty and somewhat of a rather colourful character so feel free fellow Brits to add me permitting you chat too, no point having friends who dont interact! :0) :drinker:
  • cherrygaldiet
    cherrygaldiet Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, you can add me. Happy to offer lots of support :)
  • meikle91
    meikle91 Posts: 24 Member
    East Anglian, feel free to add :happy:
  • DarkMoon30
    DarkMoon30 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi I am looking for buddies in the UK who would kindly offer me support and motivation!
    Thanks peeps! :smile:

    Add me, I'm a fellow scouser!! I was on here last year, left and rejoined. Just started properly this week :)
  • Hi, I'm from hertfordshire, feel free to add me xx
  • shanehollanduk
    shanehollanduk Posts: 32 Member
    London here too! Feel free to add
  • And this is someone in Fife, Scotland calling: all those who can encourage me and inspire me are SO welcome to offer friendship!!!