I'm hungry. Bt that's ok.



  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    I wanna eat my hand!

    Probably won't taste good, or satisfy any craving or hunger you have
  • wubbykid
    wubbykid Posts: 60 Member
    I wanna eat my hand!

    Probably won't taste good, or satisfy any craving or hunger you have

  • 84reasons2run
    84reasons2run Posts: 11 Member
    I drink hot tea at night and find it usually helps. I also eat plenty of calories and nutrient packed foods but still experience hunger pangs every now and again.
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    For a long time my brain and my eyes told me I was hungry when really my body was not. It's still a work in progress learning to differentiate between what is actual hunger and what is years of compulsive over eating and cravings trying to trick me.

    So much this. I definitely get "hungry" when I'm bored and it's a battle to recognize real hunger from just wanting something to do or eat because it's there.

    Agree! Sometimes it's better to let yourself be "hungry" for a week to retrain your body that food will not be automatically a part of your nightly routine. It's so hard for me too, esp if I have a night where I actually get to watch a TV show or something. Immediately, my brain says "grab the SKinny Pop, grab the peanuts, you NEED it." Then if i give in, I overeat, everytime. Because honestly, who can only eat 15 peanuts! Usually I'm at my calorie max by 7 or 8 pm anyways, so it's easier for me to make myself stay away from the pantry or the fridge until my cravings go away.
  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    This is the biggest lesson, I've learned.. or should I say, am still learning.

    I realized i was eating a huge % of my food when I was not genuinely hungry. ( hello MFP and "dieting" )

    I've been learning, read a few books about hunger-directed eating.,,, i try to check in , before. during. after. every few bites. really "feel" my level of hunger. try to stop eating at a point when my hunger is satisfied. why is this so simple yet so hard ? i'm still learning that and listening to my body.
    I agree with a lot ^^ above. have a glass of water. decide, am i REALLY hungry ?
    also--- food actually tastes so much more satisfying and delicious when you let yourself feel hunger, and i do not mean starving or feeling ravenous, but genuine, decisive hunger.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    People are different on this.

    I'm cool with being hungry during the day when I have stuff to do, but I refuse to be hungry when I'm relaxing or trying to sleep. Spoils my enjoyment. I'd rather go over on calories.

    I don't even care if the hunger is physical or not, I'd rather be fat than miserable. Luckily, I don't have to choose :smile: