what are YOUR New Year wishes, hopes, goals?



  • fitnessmandy1
    fitnessmandy1 Posts: 20 Member
    I would love to:

    be at my goal weight by may 1. 2011
    keep in touch with friends and family more than I do now
    run a 5k
    have a closer relationship with my daughter
    get ahead financially
    make a few new friends
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Officially begin training for a Half Marathon in April! The biggest undertaking I've ever attempted as a New Years resolution in my life! But I'm game! I'm ready! :o)
  • I don't really like to make resolutions, because I think that the new year is just a number. But since certain things will be happening in that year, I can make some things I'd like to accomplish (mainly, before I'm done with college! because after that I have no idea what's happening in my life!)

    So my bucket list before I graduate:
    1. Get to my goal weight, be completely "IN" on my exercise and eating habits, and complete my 10K in may in less than an hour. Complete Insanity (Jan. 22)
    2. Get all A's my last semester ( I know, ambitious! lol! I've always been off by one every semester and ended up getting a B. the last sem - I want that 4.0)
    3. Go skydiving again!
    4. Make a new friend (I know this seems odd. but I have so many good friends but I always settle into the same group and especially going to the same school for awhile and everything)
    5. Learn enough Swedish to carry on a conversation - I would be satisfied with a simple conversation. I'm taking a class next semester (not through university)
    6. Sell my house... that would be a good thing
    7. UNDIE RUN 2011!!! Hahaha so stoked for it!
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    I enjoyed reading this thread!

    My plans for the new year...

    1. Stick with doing the best I can each day to live healthier.
    2. Meet my weight loss goal by April..earlier if I can!
    3. Be able to do regular push ups..at least 20 of them.
    4. Take a yoga class and see if I like it.
    5. Fight at taekwondo competitions
    6. Get my black stripe by Dec 2011.
    7. Buy a whole new spring/summer & fall/winter wardrobe.

    I love my list:bigsmile:
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Maintain my weight and increase my activity level - ongoing. Complete my non-fiction project by September 1st and have it published and be a success. Continue to get good health reports. Get my "financial" life in order.
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    Continue my weight loss journey AND....one even harder than that....

    STOP SWEARING SO MUCH!!!! I have a mouth like a sailor and I can control it at work and around children so I must work on it....
  • My major goal is to keep up my new healthy lifestyle and continue to get in better shape. Beyond that, once I get to a weight I'm happy with (160-170 lbs range), I want to start to work on building muscle and toning.

    Not much beyond that except to continue to live my life to be as happy as possible regardless of what life sends my way. :-)
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