English Newbie Says "Hello"!



  • Stargazer525
    Stargazer525 Posts: 70 Member
    Like your avatar! Hope you had a good CapalDay this weekend?! Welcome to MFP!

    Thank you! Yes, I did have a good CapalDay! :happy: It is always a bit strange with a new regeneration but I think, based on Saturday's episode, that he's gonna be a great Doctor!
  • Stargazer525
    Stargazer525 Posts: 70 Member
    Hewo!! Welcome to the boards :D
    You sound absolutely awesome and wonderful as an above said ^_^
    I've been here for years but I'm a typical "yoyo dieter". Hoping this time it stays off :D

    I'll be sending a request to you and the others if you don't mind :D

    A bit about me:
    23, single, 4 dogs 2 cats a lizard (menagerie-used to have a bird :frown: ) I go gym and swimming almost everyday, am a vegetarian, love all types of music apart from rap...hamster...and rnb or whatever it's called LOL. I love scifi, horror, some dramas, thriller erm DIsney <3. I love to read, and play computer games xD and I started knitting a while ago but I only do t when I have time xD
    I recon we'll get on just fine :D

    If I miss anyone feel free to add me xD

    Aww! Thank you! :blushing:

    Hey my sister and her hubby breed chameleons!!

    I like Disney Pixar myself. Finding Nemo is a favourite of mine!
  • emblu
    emblu Posts: 272 Member
    Hey there, us lot from the UK hang around the Team UK group :)