What Condiments Should I Use? I Use Ketchup On Everything!



  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,749 Member
    I hope you are putting it on your mashed potatoes. Potatoes, some butter/marge, and ketchup. I've been told by those who have not tried this that it is disgusting. But then again, most of them were Americans and they think that THIS is gross:


    Silly Americans.

    Anyways. I love mustard on meats and salmon, or honey mustard. I also LOVE ranch dressing with french fries. I don't really do many other condiments and don't do a lot of salad dressings though.

    That picture is making me drooooool. You must be Canadian eh?

    I am a sad Canadian living in the southern US (okay, I am not really sad, I have a loving husband and a horde of devil children), but I WANT poutine now!!! I get it everytime we go home to visit and to hell with calories, lol. If fries, cheese curds and gravy are wrong, I don't want to be right.
  • jbrownnolan
    jbrownnolan Posts: 72 Member
    Salsa, I put that s#!t on everything!!! :D
  • MisterZ33
    MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member
    i use mustard for everything now...hell i even dunk shrimp into it...