restaurants and fast food.. oi!

majigurl Posts: 660 Member
finding it hard when i go out to eat clean. Lunch at work is another hard one I have maybe a few choices? one place I got a salad from and it was DIRTY! boo! :(
Yes, when you clean eat you have to pretty much prep it at home, I get that, but it's a shame there are not more healthy clean eating options out there.
How do you guys deal?


  • mariluny
    mariluny Posts: 428 Member
    I'm far from a real clean eater, I just try to do it as much as possible so I eat more healthy and natural food but without stressing about it too much. I cut down most processed food (like pre-packaged snack, vinaigrette, white sugar/flour, etc) but I can't be bothered to make my own bread or stop eating cereal for exemple. I make better choice about them but there's still unpronounceable ingredients...

    Whenever I go to a restaurant, I just tell myself it's already like "cheating" in the sense that I can't know what's in it, the calories, fat, fiber, etc... so I enjoy it and forget it. I try to make the smartest choice with the info I have at hand and that's about it. I eat well all week and then allow myself to enjoy restaurants whenever I end up going. Same if I go at a freind/family house for diner or if there's a potluck at work.
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    I schedule my restaurant meal in advance and I plan accordingly. This morning, my boyfriend asked me if I want to go on a date tomorrow night, a date involving dinner and cinema (and maybe popcorn!!), so I know that tomorrow will be a day of commuting by bike, and I will burn about 700 cals without even thinking about it, and I'll be able to eat about anything I want at dinner (well, I still try to be food conscious, but this is just because I prefer to spend my calories on wine ;) ).
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    I look up the menus before I go and pick my dinner before hand. This helps keep me from ordering things that will put me over my calories for the day or else helps me plan my day around the spurge.
  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 233 Member
    Yesterday I took my son to a local rib house. Went over & over the menu to find my best choice ... fish. Waitress said chef would be happy to plate it not swimming in pool of butter but sadly not how it arrived. Poured off all those bad calories and that fish was great. Skipped the bread, butter & creamy coleslaw but ate 3 ribs. I'm at a rib house I have to eat ribs. I ignored all those unknown calories in my log and will put in extra exercise today.

    It's nice to have someone else cook and clean up once in a while.

    I watch a lot of food channel & know chefs love to add oil & butter by the tablespoon and/ or 1/4 cup or more. Sigh.