anyone eating only vegetarian/vegan food



  • MsJourno
    MsJourno Posts: 33 Member
    I m from india and trying to lose A LOT OF weight. But most of the members here eat meat, fish, etc. Wondering if there are any indian vegetarian guys to help me and accompany me in my healthy eating journey..:smile:

    Another Indian vegetarian here (am okay with eggs though). You can add me. It would be fun to swap notes.
  • Docbanana2002
    Docbanana2002 Posts: 357 Member
    If you eat animals, you aren't a vegetarian. If you consume animal products of any kind, you are not vegan. I don't understand why people want to claim a label that you have no intention of living up to. It actually does affect the rest of us, when the general public is confused about what basic terms mean and we have to eat the fish "vegetarian option.". And it offends me that people are claiming membership in a group that I am proud to be a part of and that I have made sacrifices for. You don't want to make the same sacrifice, yet for some reason you think you deserve the label.

    OP: I'm a vegetarian who eats minimal eggs and dairy. I am in transition to vegan. I am not Indian but I love to cook Indian food and visit Indian restaurants because there are so many flavorful veggie options!
  • HI there!

    Sorry your thread got hijacked. To your original post, there is an amazing cook book by Anupy Singla which features 140 vegan and healthy indian dishes that are also simple to make. While this is a vegan cookbook, proper substitutions can make the dishes vegetarian if that's your preference. I'd recommend looking into the book for not only your own personal cooking but to also inspire ideas/modifications when you are out ordering.

    A direct link to the book from is

    Good luck!
  • kanikavishvesh
    kanikavishvesh Posts: 30 Member

    and frankly i dont mind the highjacking! it is interesting as long as no firing ensues.
  • reader2908
    reader2908 Posts: 10 Member
    Am not vegetarian. But I am Indian and mostly eat vegetarian food + eggs. There is plenty of information on this site for Indian food... feel free to add me on if you like...