Just diagnosed Celiac... anyone else?



  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm a Celiac too! Fairly recent diagnosis....as of June. I eat a lot of real foods and I read all food labels like a Nazi. I fortunately caught mine before it spiraled out of control, but finding out at age19 that you have an incurable autoimmune disease is freaky.
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    My kids both have celiac, one was diagnosed at age 2 through a biopsy the other was diagnosed at 2 through blood work only. The only true diagnosis is through a biopsy. The blood work alone can only tell you indicators. Celiac (at least here in America) is the new "fad" diagnosis. I say that, because when my son was diagnosed 8 years ago, the statistics were 1 in every 20K people, now it's 1 in every 100. It's because testing is up - but the majority of testing is ONLY blood work. The thing about celiac is you can test positive and have no signs of it. You can be symptom free, and still be damaging the intestines, something traumatic like illness, pregnancy or other factor sets the symptoms in motion, but at that point, you are getting so ill, that recovery takes forever. Because my kids were diagnosed so young, they are less sensitive and recover faster if exposed. My mom, wasn't diagnosed until she was 60 and she is extremely sensitive and ill for days after exposure.

    There is a great I-tunes App - Is it gluten free? Both my boys have it on their ipods and it's super when I send them with friends and they want to eat something.

    Frankly, I'm thrilled with the celiac diagnosis! They though my son had leukemia - I'll take gluten free any day over that. The boys eat healthy, fruits and vegetables, no cookies or cakes. Where most of the students in my kids school have weight issues - my are thin and lean. They haven't been to the Dr in years for anything, while the other kids are sick all the time.

    There are some awesome brands - and the availability of gluten free products have been come so far in the past 8 years. Betty Crocker has products like Bisquick and Brownies now gluten free. Tinkyada pasta's are wonderful, and you will learn to cook them just right after the first couple of tries. Corn starch can replace flour most of the time when cooking, and baking I find buying pre-made mixes are easier. Sure my kids don't get cupcakes when the class has a birthday party, but they get a marshmellow or a rice cake with frosting.

    I follow the Fat Flush Plan by Ann Louise Gittleman for my diet needs for the past year. She promotes gluten free for weight loss.

    My opinion, is attitude is everything - focus on what you CAN have not what you can't!

    My trigger was the "traumatic event". I had the genetic danger I guess you could say of developing CD,but until I had this huge emotional upheaval it never appeared. Then I thought my body was just dying at age 19! I had 90% of the symptoms it was awful. I never had the leukemia scare but even on the days when I really want to hit the drive thru instead of specially packing a lunch I am grateful that I actually can control mine! I have a friend that has it so bad that his vilii are permanently damaged and he is practically starving to death :(
  • SweetOrganics
    SweetOrganics Posts: 16 Member
    I'm gluten free too. There are a lot of gluten free cereals & breads out there now that are delicious. I've learned to cook everything I was cooking before, but only now I'm doing it gluten free & I feel much better! Our Walmart has gluten free section, but the majority of gluten free items I buy are from our local organic food store (Earth Fare) I am blessed to live in an area that has a large number of people who are gluten free so most restaurants have a gluten free menu & even some that are completely gluten free!
    You really have to be careful with gluten if you are Celiac because even removing a burger from a wheat bun & eating it is enough gluten to cause intestinal inflammation. And you have to read labels because if something has modified food starch in it & it doesn't list it's source then it is probably wheat, also anything with soy sauce has gluten unless it's a gluten free soy sauce(tamari). If you need any help or have any questions let me know, I've been gluten free with a gluten free child for a couple of years now.
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