How long 'til people noticed?



  • happening5
    happening5 Posts: 63 Member
    Other than my doctors, the only person who has noticed & said something to me (without me bragging about how much I've lost, which I've only done in person to 3 people) was my ex's mother, and that happened at about 40 lb.

    Not even the gym staff, who see me every day (and look at my fat face photo when they check me in) said anything 'til I showed up in my "I've lost 50 lb" shirt one day. Then the desk guy looked impressed. :bigsmile:
    It's going to be updated as I keep on losing.
    I think there's room for my planned loss (110), and even 120, before it gets hard to read.
    It says the same on the back.

    I love your shirt!
  • happening5
    happening5 Posts: 63 Member
    I think I got my first comment at about 25 from someone who knew what I was up to. At 30 pounds lost I started getting comments and questions. Some people are afraid to offend or just aren't as observant ( i know i'm bad about that) but others might actually be jealous.

    I find it kind of funny when they ask
    What did you do?
    How did you loose the weight?
    and I reply with started tracking calories and when my calorie allowence started getting low I paniced and started exercising. I walk, bike, swim, zumba, and now the 30 day shred too. They are disapointed...It's like they want an easy asnwer or want to hear me say I had surgery.....
  • EvaStrange
    EvaStrange Posts: 59 Member
    My mother always notices weight-loss before it's even happened. :laugh:
  • kksmom8
    kksmom8 Posts: 19 Member
    For me, mostly around 25 lbs. or so. I sometimes get the, "Have you been sick?" Awesome. Ha.
  • After I dropped 10%.