

  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I think a lot of you missed what the OP said.

    She's not looking for ways to cut calories, she's looking for help, from alcohol addiction

    Seeking an answer from a different site would then be the key. Most on this site would be offering help on how to work it into their fitness plan. The answer being a switch in type of alcohol, burning off via exercise to make room for alcohol, or full out abstaining from the alcohol. If it's an addiction issue, then obviously seeking help from an addiction related site would be more appropriate. Reaching out to a fitness site... you're going to get fitness answers. At best, a post reaching out to people within the site who've battled addiction would be an alternative. The topic is 'WINE' - my immediate thought as a wine drinker is 'how to get the wine into my body and still manage to have the body I want'
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    To the people scolding those who have offered advice on quitting/cutting back on alcohol to cut calories:The OP asked how we quit alcohol. Maybe the calorie counting WAS how they quit alcohol. To each their own - if the high calorie content of wine is what helps someone quit it, then so be it.

    Yeah, exactly. As I said, I realized I was consuming 1/3 or more of my daily calories, on average, in alcohol while cutting out meals to meet my calorie goals (as the OP said she also does). That was a big wakeup call!

    I would advise you to just quit cold turkey for a couple weeks. If you find you can't do that, I would look into AA or professional help.
  • _SantaClause
    _SantaClause Posts: 335 Member
    I think a lot of you missed what the OP said.

    She's not looking for ways to cut calories, she's looking for help, from alcohol addiction

    Seeking an answer from a different site would then be the key. Most on this site would be offering help on how to work it into their fitness plan. The answer being a switch in type of alcohol, burning off via exercise to make room for alcohol, or full out abstaining from the alcohol. If it's an addiction issue, then obviously seeking help from an addiction related site would be more appropriate. Reaching out to a fitness site... you're going to get fitness answers. At best, a post reaching out to people within the site who've battled addiction would be an alternative. The topic is 'WINE' - my immediate thought as a wine drinker is 'how to get the wine into my body and still manage to have the body I want'

    So what you're saying is that you don't even read the post by the person who posts the thread?

    You know, last year when I figured out that I was an Alcoholic, I came came clean on MFP, and my friends and the people I met on here saved my life..

    Your post is wrong, and makes no sense.
  • Kaelakcr
    Kaelakcr Posts: 505 Member
    It's good that you're cognizant of the emerging pattern and issue NOW, rather than when it's too late to fix!

    I have a lot of physical pain, so it's easy for me to over-indulge; after-all, wine is the only thing I have to make the pain go away. However, I realized that it was becoming a daily habit to have more than a glass a day (not much more, and it was mostly just because wine was available, so why not?). What helped me was not buying the high-quality boxes and instead buying a bottle at a time, when I need it (for recipes) or want it (for a relaxing night with the guy).

    However, if you think you need it out of your life for the moment, I would check out meditation. The key to breaking a bad habit is recognizing the emotional triggers (in this case, wanting to relieve stress at the end of the day) and the "reward" (feeling blissful, relaxed, de-stressed, fun) and finding something that can provide you with a similar emotional reward. Meditation or 10 minutes' vigorous exercise could both be a healthy option for when you're feeling stressed and need something to make you feel euphoric and relaxed. The quick movements could help with wanting to be "fun", and meditation can help when you're drinking to get to sleep.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I lovvvveeeeeeee wine. I too am a binge drinker on the weekends. I am an ALL or NONE type of person. It's hard for me to stop at one or two glasses. So while i am trying to lose the weight I am not drinking. I allow myself one day per month to indulge and get right back on track. Since I am not drinking I am trying to program my thinking to be good with having 1 or 2 glasses of wine when I've reached my goal.
  • Once in a blue moon
  • First off I'm sorry that you have a problem controlling your alcohol intake, if it is really an issue for you then please seek professional help.

    I'm reading the replies to your plight with some level of discomfort. People's attitude to alcohol is so blase and drinking too much and misusing alcohol is seen as a funny thing. It isn't. It can have serious consequences for your health and family life. I'm speaking as someone who has had two alcoholic partners.

    If there is any drug you can't possibly give up then you are addicted to it and you have an addiction. Seek help.


    I'm hopping on THIS band-wagon ^ ^ ^ ^ Get help ASAP contact
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    First off I'm sorry that you have a problem controlling your alcohol intake, if it is really an issue for you then please seek professional help.

    I'm reading the replies to your plight with some level of discomfort. People's attitude to alcohol is so blase and drinking too much and misusing alcohol is seen as a funny thing. It isn't. It can have serious consequences for your health and family life. I'm speaking as someone who has had two alcoholic partners.

    If there is any drug you can't possibly give up then you are addicted to it and you have an addiction. Seek help.

    I agree with this person. you may have an addiction that needs treatment.
  • QueenZeeIsm
    QueenZeeIsm Posts: 104 Member
    First off allow me to express my gratitude at everyone who took the time to respond to my thread.

    I suppose I could join a website where I could more help and advice for my addiction but I always found that MFP people give me the best advice. Seeing as this concerns my health I thought it would be okay.

    The first step was admitting that I have a problem on here. Clearly I was in denial before writing it out. Now I realise that perhaps it is a bit too much for me to handle on my own.

    Last night, I swore I would not drink for as long as possible. Well around 5pm after getting home from work, I had a drink. Just 1 but never the less I couldn't resist. That is a problem to me. As I said it goes beyond counting calories for me. I need to ultimately get help.

    The reason why I stopped at 1 drink last night was purely because of some responses on here and somehow I felt accountable and stopped.

    I am looking to find some kind of professional help and I am sure I can beat this monster.

    Once again thank you and this thread has opened my eyes to what I swore was something I can beat on my own.

    It may be okay for some people to have a couple of glasses of wine a night but for me it spirals out of control. I feel like my kids deserve better and I am not at my best when I drink.

    I have a concert and a carnival this weekend and I know there will be a beer garden. I have to go because its at my kids school. What I am going to try is just keep busy and play around with them without even entering that damn garden of addiction. Wish me luck.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I think a lot of you missed what the OP said.

    She's not looking for ways to cut calories, she's looking for help, from alcohol addiction

    Seeking an answer from a different site would then be the key. Most on this site would be offering help on how to work it into their fitness plan. The answer being a switch in type of alcohol, burning off via exercise to make room for alcohol, or full out abstaining from the alcohol. If it's an addiction issue, then obviously seeking help from an addiction related site would be more appropriate. Reaching out to a fitness site... you're going to get fitness answers. At best, a post reaching out to people within the site who've battled addiction would be an alternative. The topic is 'WINE' - my immediate thought as a wine drinker is 'how to get the wine into my body and still manage to have the body I want'

    So what you're saying is that you don't even read the post by the person who posts the thread?

    You know, last year when I figured out that I was an Alcoholic, I came came clean on MFP, and my friends and the people I met on here saved my life..

    Your post is wrong, and makes no sense.

    To quote the original post by OP:

    Really need some support to give up the bottle. I binge drink a few times a week and it is becoming a problem. I use to have abs but now I have this floppy sloppy tummy"

    But while I read the reference to once having abs but now a "floppy sloppy tummy" made it immediately made it about fitness and that was the problem, it apparently did to the majority of people that responded. You, from your perspective read "it's becoming a problem' as a drinking problem, which it has since turned out to be.

    My post makes perfect sense, I as read it from a FITNESS perspective, how to not have alcohol affect your weightloss/fitness goals. You read the post from an alcoholic's perspective (understandably) but then you railed on everyone else on the FITNESS SITE for not reading it the same way you did.

    OP has since posted further posts regarding the actual 'addictive' nature behind her post and thusly changing what the answers would be. Based on first post however, I stand by my post. Props to both you and now the OP for seeing a problem and taking steps to change. You should be commended for that. Bottom line, she got what she came here for. //