Fitbit vs. online calc TDEE



  • zenhiker2014
    zenhiker2014 Posts: 84 Member
    My favorite Fitbit display is now hidden. Click on View Profile and look at the first chart: 30 day graph of intake vs. burn. Look at the legend below it for your 30-day average burn. That's probably your best TDEE estimate, if you wear it and log workouts that it doesn't track. It also gives you your 30 day average intake (assuming you've logged 30 days). If those are 500 apart and you're not losing 4-5 lbs/month, something isn't getting tracked well.

    This is great.

    For the record, I've always found the Fitbit (even the Flex) pretty accurate for me. I just checked the 30 averages vs. my weight loss, and it is indeed right on the money.

    It's been accurate for me too. I used it to hit my planned 500cal deficit/day, for a 1 lb per week weight loss, and did in fact lose an average of a pound a week for 20 weeks. That was using a Flex.