Got in trouble on a ride....



  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    I hit the bonk once and spent 12 hours crying like a baby in bed afterwards.

    Do you ever get the feeling some training isn't good for you?
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    I am scheduled for a 3 hour ride Saturday through rolling hills. Reading this is now making me a tad nervous

    Don't get nervous, get prepared - make sure you take adequate supplies with you - 60g of carbs/hour while riding on top of a decent breakfast 1-2 hours before the ride starts and you'll be fine. Oh, and the day before, eat a slightly larger evening meal - increase the carbs on that a little - there's a reason that lots of marathons have "pasta parties" the night before...

    from your diary I see you're goal's around 1400kcals a day... would I be right in saying you're set for a 2lb a week defecit? if so, go over the target figure by maybe 5-600kcals the day before and aim to eat back maybe half the calories that the Garmin 305 says you've burned. So that's a good breakfast (Porridge, Toast & Preserves/Nutella) beforehand, and eat a little and often during the ride, then when you get home, book it all in, including the burn from the Garmin, and take it from there for the rest of the day. Try and get plenty of protein into the meals for the rest of the day.

    Oh - and enjoy the ride.
  • I hit the bonk once and spent 12 hours crying like a baby in bed afterwards.
    I haven't experienced the bonk but my friend told me about it.
    To go on after you bonk is an excercise in sheer will

    Being English, 'bonking' means something very different here, which makes these quotes seem very funny!

    Sorry to hear you ran out of energy. I'm a big fan out low GI carbs before a long ride - oats and bran in particular. I eat a bowl of museli and then there is always Nairns oat biscuits for an easy snack during the ride.