To Run or Not to Run



  • fruity64
    fruity64 Posts: 1 Member
    I just wanted to say that I am running a half marathon on Sunday. I only decided to get fitter and more active last November and as they say, the difference between being a runner and being a couch potato is one step. I started off walking round the block, then did the little jog to the lamp-post trick, until I could increase the distance between lamp-posts... when I first walked 5k I was so chuffed but never dreamt that not only would I be able to run 5k in under 40 mins within a year, but that I would be standing on the start line for a half marathon (ok, I doubt I will finish in under 3 hrs but hey! I'm doing it!)... and I am 50 next Friday, ex smoker and yes I have lost weight in the build up, but not a vast amount. But, OMG the inch loss is incredible so I have thrown out the scales.
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    I have often wondered this too, but due to having huge boobs,( even when i am not over weight) i dont run, I walk on the treadmill, but put the incline up to at least 8 for the majority of the hour i do on it, and for about 10 mins do it at the full 15! my walking pace is about 5.3 so a fast walk for me as i have little legs :sad:
    It burns lots of calories, infact just about the same as my partner who runs on the flat, but I would probably cause a small earth tremor if i ran!
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Forget the weight loss shows. All those folks are wired, monitored, iced afterward etc.

    Just walk, get good shoes, maybe an MP3 player, open the door and go outside. Take it slow, but do challenge yourself. Eventually you can run, but just start slowly.

    Good luck!
  • rrowdiness
    rrowdiness Posts: 119 Member

    I started @ ~118kg (240lbish) and had a foot injury that I thought would prevent me from running...

    I walked a heap, and started to get faster at walking.

    One day, walking with the stroller, the kid was screaming away so I tried jogging to see if the additional speed would calm them down, and did 1.1km at a slow jog.

    ...then I ran the downhill parts of my daily walks, and walked the uphills.

    ...then I ran the uphills until I started getting wheezy.

    ...then I ran the complete distance.

    ...then I extended the distance...and again...and again.

    ...then I ran 5km...then 10km.

    ...then I lifted my weekly kms...again and again and again...

    ...then I did a half marathon and came in under 1:50.

    For me, running is an unbelievable high, it makes me feel real and connected to the now. It's not the same for all people, but I would attribute about 50% of my weight loss to getting hooked on dat runner's high. That little nudge in your soul as you crest the hill, still at pace, and see the road / trail / path laid out before's something else. So if introducing someone to running and getting them past the 'oh god I'm dying' first two weeks gets them into it...result.

    Re injuries: my injuries have been from 2 sources - achilles tendonitis and the occasional sprained ankle (overuse + trauma) and patella tracking (poor form + no prevention). the weight pressure on joints hasn't been a problem.

    (looking forward to tomorrow morning's 10km training run!)

    edit: profile picture = relevant. That's my happy space - blue skies, a horizon, and a path.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    I started running with the C25K programme at almost 300lbs last year, a week on Sunday I'll be running my 4th Half Marathon and like the last 2 will be running it all. In less than 12 months I've taken 30mins off my HM time, 14mins off my 10k and 11 mins off my 5k times. I'm planning a spring marathon and have signed up for a 12hr Ultra marathon next July. I also joined my local Running Club which stretches me and help out with our begineers group which is hugely satisfying. If you want to run then do - as already stated above, start slow, listen to your body and if things hurt then take a break and wear good trainers. Running is awesome and something I wish I'd discovered years ago!
  • QuillensMom
    QuillensMom Posts: 100 Member
    When I was losing before and under 280 I did a few sprints/jogging on treadmill but not running. I do look forward to the day I can truly run, and not be hurting and winded within an extremely short time. I also find those shows amazing though yes, where these 400 lb people are a few days in and already running. And no one falls off?!