trying to get out of the 170's...anyone else?



  • kumamushi
    kumamushi Posts: 103 Member
    168 today, goodbye 170's. I NEVER want to see you again!
  • I'm at 161.2... so close to the 150s! It's been fluctuating a bit the past week. Sorry for posting in the wrong thread, the other thread only had me in it and that's no fun. ;-)

    that totally fine. you are giving all of us 170's people some motivation over here. that's great! good job!
  • 168 today, goodbye 170's. I NEVER want to see you again!

    great job! so proud of you!
  • kumamushi
    kumamushi Posts: 103 Member
    I'm at 161.2... so close to the 150s! It's been fluctuating a bit the past week. Sorry for posting in the wrong thread, the other thread only had me in it and that's no fun. ;-)

    that totally fine. you are giving all of us 170's people some motivation over here. that's great! good job!
    Well, I'm glad I'm helping motivate. :-) Go team!
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    Ugh stuck at 175!!! :(

    Upping water and lowering sodium.
  • Ugh stuck at 175!!! :(

    Upping water and lowering sodium.

    me too i'm stuck at 175-177 STILL ugh
  • Peanutmanda
    Peanutmanda Posts: 103
    Im stuck in the high 170's for over a month now. Starting to wonder if my body will allow me to get under 175.

    Very Frustrating!
  • kumamushi
    kumamushi Posts: 103 Member
    Keep trying!! My weight loss has slowed down a bit too, partly because I don't have as much to lose. But I've stayed below 160 pounds for a week so hopefully I'll keep trending downwards. It took me 4 months to get this far.
  • Trying since March to get out of the 170's! I really hate my scale so bad!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    I DID IT!!! I broke them this morning. CRYING!! :sad: In a happy way I'm crying...LOL!!!! WOWZA! Haven't ever seen them in my adult life.

    Gonna celebrate somehow (without food obviously). I think I'm the longest member on this thread ever. LOL!
  • kumamushi
    kumamushi Posts: 103 Member
    Congratulations!!! Keep going! :D
  • Great job everyone!

    I've not logged in since May 29th.

    Day 1 of Weight Watchers May 29th - 176.6

    After 2 weeks of Weight Watchers June 12 - 172.8

    I'm ALMOST there!

    I also started Zumba classes twice per week May 10th. And the other day I got the Zumba Dvds in the mail.

  • kumamushi
    kumamushi Posts: 103 Member
    I'm glad you're finally making lots of progress! :D Keep it up!!!
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