Day 9: Wednesday, 10/01/14



  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I didn't hit my goal to work out yesterday, but I am definitely aiming to git r dun today! I also want to nail my calories, get to bed early, and prepare my salads.
  • Hi Everyone. I just got added to the group so Day 9 is Day 1 for me!!

    I have four goals for today

    1. Hit 10,000 steps (daily goal)
    2. Drink 2L of water (daily goal)
    3. Stay under 1700 calories (daily goal)
    4. Do 3 mile WATP video.
  • rebetha82
    rebetha82 Posts: 125 Member
    Yesterday's hardcore gardening turned into hardcore soreness ... nevertheless, today's goals are:

    - Fasting (5:2)
    - getting lots of liquids in (16 cups)
    - 30 DS Lvl 2 before dinner
    - DINNER :)
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    I missed yesterday, didn't log anything, and was certainly over my calories...
    Well, today is a new day, and i will start with the basics:

    That's honestly the most constructive way to look at it. Live and learn - you're going to have days you end up going over. Logging is a great way to keep your awareness up - I find that I will almost definitely go over if I don't log!
    Went to the gym and swimming. Probably horseback riding later today. Exercise-wise doing very well today :) Have all my meals planned out, too, so I just need to stick to the plan and today will be easy!

    Lucky! I miss horseback riding so much. I grew up with 4 horses (2 minis, Thoroughbred, and a Quarter Horse) and haven't been able to ride in over a year as I'm very far from home and they've passed or moved on to other families. Do you have your own horses?
    I can't believe how well I have done over the last 8 days. I've stayed within my calorie goals save for 1 day. I've been walking 30 minutes every week day. And one of my upcoming weekend goals is to do some sort of fitness activity on the weekends. All of my walking is going to prove to be a bit more difficult as we move into winter and hit the -30 C weather but i'll worry about that when it hits.

    One of my goals this week is to avoid all the treats at work. I misstepped on Monday and had a small starburst fruit candy without thinking but yesterday was really a test of my resolve. One of my coworkers brought in super fresh straight from the bakery donughts. They smelled so good, I'm sure I inhaled calories just being in the kitchen. However, I did resist and triumph.

    Sounds like you're kicking *kitten*! Nice idea to have weekend goals - that's the time I have the most difficulty staying on track. The winter weather is definitely a downer - I'm hoping ours ends up being pretty mild. It's super impressive that you've avoided the temptation for fresh doughnuts - that had to be difficult!
    Haven't been doing much at all lately apart from watching my cals. and after a few weeks of no kgs lost, I got on the scale this morning and -0.7kgs!

    My weight is officially the lowest it has been since I was 15.

    I know my body is now in its happy place so I know I'll have to push harder to get more weight off.

    Great job! That must feel amazing. Sometimes the loss comes in little spurts, and it definitely likes to stall. Almost like "a watched pot never boils" - I notice that even when I weigh daily, I only tend to see big losses on certain days. Patience is definitely a virtue in the weight loss game.
    I am feeling pretty good today. Yesterday I realized that the pain meds I thought weren't working at the beginning of the week actually are working. My pain level is the same today as is was yesterday and the day before. That is a huge improvement. Usually as my steroids wear off each day gets worse. The new medication doesn't block all of my pain but it is definitely at a level I can handle. Tomorrow I get my first epidural and then I start my physical therapy next Tuesday. I am so ready to get started. The sooner I start the sooner I can see some results.

    As for my daily goals. Today I plan to make better food choices. I did pack my lunch so that is a big help right there. No spontaneous ordering of bad food cause I'm starving. Also I set an alarm on my phone to go off every two hours and remind me to get up and take a lap or two around the office. Sitting for long periods makes my pain worse. I do get up on occasion but sometimes the work starts flowing and next thing I know it's been 4 hours and my back is killing me. I should add drinking more water to the list. It will help me get up more as well if I have to go to the bathroom every hour.

    Chronic pain is so difficult to address and I'm glad to hear you're seeing some progress. I wish you the best of luck with your treatment and pain management. Having things under control makes such a big difference when trying to change your lifestyle and make habits stick.
    Yesterdy did not go well at all. I knew we were taking my MIL out for a birthday dinner, so I had salad for lunch, and salad for dinner, but also a free bagel for breakfast, and we stopped at coldstone creamery, and it just wasn't pretty. I'm up from yesterday and up from the first weigh-in, and that is not where I wanted to be today.

    So, shaking that off, my goals for today are:
    - track food and exercise
    - stay within my calorie limit
    - either C25K at the gym or 2.3 mile walk tonight
    I'm sorry to hear things didn't go as planned, but I'm glad you've taken the chance to reflect on what happened and are right back to your goals today. That one day only has to be a small blip on your progress, and will stay that way if you make it so!
  • milesaway61
    milesaway61 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Today was my first day of the challenge.

    I think it was a success. I totalled about 70 minutes of walking on my crutches. I was just under my calorie goal. I didn't quite meet my water goal though.
    There's a reason for that though. If I drink a lot of water, know. Then I have problems in fitting in the small bathroom at work, since my leg is in a brace. I would normally drink 10 glasses, but given how much of a pain it is now, I'm aiming for 8. I think I got 6 today.
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    Today was my first day of the challenge.

    I think it was a success. I totalled about 70 minutes of walking on my crutches. I was just under my calorie goal. I didn't quite meet my water goal though.
    There's a reason for that though. If I drink a lot of water, know. Then I have problems in fitting in the small bathroom at work, since my leg is in a brace. I would normally drink 10 glasses, but given how much of a pain it is now, I'm aiming for 8. I think I got 6 today.
    70 minutes of walking with crutches is quite the workout! Good on you for working to keep your activity levels up despite it being difficult. Sometimes you have to make little concessions - I always have to limit my water intake when I'll be out in the field all day (last place I want to be stopping is a fast food place to use their restroom!), and try to play catch up at home. Glad your day went well otherwise!
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    Day 9 Goals:

    Eat a fruit or vegetable at snack time.
    Spend 20 extra minutes working out doing kids zumba with my little ones.
    Eat the healthiest possible choice when we go to lunch at tacobell today :/

    I have reached 2 of the 3 goals I set for myself today. I cannot believe tomorrow is the weigh in
    ... don't expect a loss because I am building muscle...
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    I made my goals for day 8, under my calories, fastest ever 3k - killed my legs, and booked a night away for me and the hubby for this saturday to try give myself something to look forward to, and hope i feel in better spirit after. I exercise every day in some way so i should be awash with endorphines to lift my mood.
    I didnt get chance to log my goals for 9/100 this morning so can say if i had i would have nailed it staying under.I intend to have next weeks menu and food shopping ordered very soon too. Been to kickboxing class for the first time in weeks so achieved something there but did not stay for jujitsu. One step at a time, maybe next week, Karate tomorrow.
  • everydamnday
    everydamnday Posts: 42 Member
    Day 8 & 9 have both been great. I enjoyed the beautiful weather and went hiking to meet my 10,000 step goal.

    Today is also Day 2 of a new strength training program.

    A goal I continue to struggle with is eating my ALL my protein, so that will be tomorrow's focus.

    Good Luck with the weigh ins everyone! ????
  • LadyNiteOwl
    LadyNiteOwl Posts: 61 Member
    Tuesday 9-30 was my Day 1

    It was great! I ate healthy non-processed foods and was under my calorire count. I drank 4-8 oz. of water which is 3 glasses more then I drank a day on our 2 week vacation.
  • joe_hikeny
    joe_hikeny Posts: 58 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well. I'm off this week. busy at work and not giving the extra long sessions which contributed to my initial weight loss. I'm worried this week will be a bummer. i'll not lose anything but possibly gain a pound back. Friday is my weigh in day. So i might get my own last chance workout tomorrow if i have time to do more than 30 minutes.

    today i did 30 minutes of HIIT.

    Stay Motivated

  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    I am tired is an understatement. Did 106 minutes of walk and stayed within my calories limit. Will post the milestone thread soon.
  • day 9 had a new goal 10000 steps.

    triple hundred day 10
    and week 2 day 1 of my couch to 5k
    I made my goals. and caved to a few French fries but over all an excellent day!
  • Thank you!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,723 Member
    Got rear-ended on the freeway this morning. It was pitch black outside on a jammed freeway. No way to start your day, trust me. Made it through without using it as an excuse to binge or eat something not in my lunch sack. I munched on three red bell peppers instead! drinker

    Walked 4+ miles with my daughter this evening. Managed 6.4 miles for 13,973 steps. Work's been crazy busy so that helps.

    A very good Wednesday food-wise!


    exercise everyday -- done
    hit the gym three times this week w/daughter -- Mon (done)...Thurs & Sat
    stay under calories -- done
    no snacking -- done

    I know how to do this. I just have to do it.
