Workout check-in thread: You October-y Lifting Heavy!



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Whew. I actually did 2 scoops of preworkout this morning because it was so hard to get up and started xD No jitters tho! lol (that's probably not a good sign >_>)

    OHP 3 went a little like this:
    80x5 - last rep was a MAJOR grinder, but I managed to get it unstuck from right in front of my eyes. Maybe I gave it a bit of a hip hinge. Whatever. Rep PR. I'm happy. Especially since the bar felt really heavy today.
    65x10 - I dropped the first sets last on lower body moves, but I think I need more volume to really progress on upper body, so this was nice. And hard. Aye.

    Then did a 10 min AMRAP set of
    - 1 arm KB russian snatch x 5 per arm
    - single leg box step down x 5 per leg
    - split stance double KB rows x 10

    with the 30lbs KBs and managed 5 rounds and 1 step down. I'm so happy the KB snatch move has clicked and I'm not banging my forearms anymore (I still bought guards for presses and stuff, should be getting them on Monday. I hope.)

    Finished with 10 min of ladders
    - KB wide stance sumo deadlift, 30lbs x20, 15, 10, 5. 40lbs x10, 15 (too light, still, compared to...)
    - Wall walks x2, 3, 4, 5, 4

    Yes, I'm spiderman now. These suck. Bad. Haha. Which is why the DLs were not heavy enough to counterbalance. Ah well, better next time.

    My workouts aren't scary, they're fun (and relatively scalable, too - what I do is not the only options on this)! Heck, I was thinknig maybe I should combine burpees and sit-outs one day. Call 'em burpouts. And make a challenge called the burpouts burnout. Who wants in? ;P
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    edited October 2014
    I used to eat some burpees for every meal, whats a burp-out lol?

    Anyways, I did it! I went the gym and lifted heavy things. I'm so happy and proud.
    Here's how it went:

    Warm up with body weight squats, just a few because I was afraid that if I did too many I wouldn't be able to try with weights.

    Then I used the assisted (where if I fall, the weight will drop slowly and I can hook it onto a safety catch) squat rack with the 45lb bar. These were still really hard!
    Squat 45lbs (assisted) 5,5,4,5,5 I think my form was really good too, though I lost it a few times when I was pushing back up.

    I almost went straight for the assisted rack again for the bench press, but then I thought, I really want to try the free weights just to see if I could do it.. and I could!
    Bench Press 45lbs 5,5,5,5,5 The program said to bump it up to 50lbs next week, but I'm going to stick with the bar for a bit. I'm not in any hurry here

    Then came the barbell row, I tried at the 65lbs they suggest and could only get 2, so I lowered it to just the bar and finished strong.

    Barbell Row, 65lbs 2, 45lbs, 5, 5, 5, 5

    And that's how day one went. I'm sore all over, but it's a good sore and I now know that I can in fact lift heavy things :)
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    I haven't checked in all week...
    But I hit the gym last night and this morning!

    Yesterday was just cardio and a few machines + abs

    This morning was Workout A - I have been at this for 10 weeks now. Would have been 11, but I took a week off from weights and it did me good.

    Squats - Warm up + 5x5 @ 85lbs

    Bench - Warm up + 5x5 @ 65lbs - I was supposed to be at 70 today but I watched a few form videos/grip videos yesterday and wanted to practice with a lighter weight. Keeping those elbows in makes a BIG difference!

    Row - Warm up 10 reps @ 45lbs + 5x5 @ 70lbs + 1x5 @ 75lbs

    Feeling good today and cant wait for Saturday workout so I can try my new gloves with deadlift. I used them on Row today and it was a bit awkward, but I think it will be good for DL. My poor hands hurt so bad!
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    Hello everyone. I am a newbie and haven't introduced myself although I have been stalking the Group for a while. :)

    I have completed 6 SL workouts so far.

    Today was Workout B:

    Squat 70#
    OHP 55#
    DL 110#

    It's starting to get harder but I haven't struggled a whole lot getting all 5 sets but I know it's coming.

    Next workout I am going to record my squats because by knees are killing me and others have said that your knees should not hurt on SL. I don't have proper shoes yet so I did it in socks today hoping that would help but it didn't...
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hello everyone. I am a newbie and haven't introduced myself although I have been stalking the Group for a while. :)

    I have completed 6 SL workouts so far.

    Today was Workout B:

    Squat 70#
    OHP 55#
    DL 110#

    It's starting to get harder but I haven't struggled a whole lot getting all 5 sets but I know it's coming.

    Next workout I am going to record my squats because by knees are killing me and others have said that your knees should not hurt on SL. I don't have proper shoes yet so I did it in socks today hoping that would help but it didn't...

    Welcome! Your knees should not be hurting doing any of the moves. Hopefully you can post the video and the experts here can give you advice :wink:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    threnjen wrote: »
    I need to look up some of the accessory exercises that I see people talk about. I never really know what else to do along with my SL routine.

    come and hang out with us in the pullup-project thread? picking out some accessories towards that goal and working on them could be a good way of using the extra time you'll have while you're not able to follow sl. hope it gets better soon.

  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Hello everyone. I am a newbie and haven't introduced myself although I have been stalking the Group for a while. :)

    I have completed 6 SL workouts so far.

    Today was Workout B:

    Squat 70#
    OHP 55#
    DL 110#

    It's starting to get harder but I haven't struggled a whole lot getting all 5 sets but I know it's coming.

    Next workout I am going to record my squats because by knees are killing me and others have said that your knees should not hurt on SL. I don't have proper shoes yet so I did it in socks today hoping that would help but it didn't...

    Watch some you tube videos. Buff Dudes had some good ones about what not to do when you squat and it helped me tremendously.

    From one newbie to another.. hello! Yesterday was my first session. Squats are my weakest point so far.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Next workout I am going to record my squats because by knees are killing me and others have said that your knees should not hurt on SL. I don't have proper shoes yet so I did it in socks today hoping that would help but it didn't...

    i got horrible prepatellar (on top of kneecap) pain when i was at about the weight that you're at; had to take a week or two off.

    check to see whether stretching and rolling the snot out of your quad muscles helps you any. for me, i got convinced that this was the best path for me to follow because for a while after i did any serious quad stretch the pain would be less. i now stretch them fanatically even between sets on squats, and it seems to be holding the problem off unless i get lazy.

    in the standing stretch, i just have one extra tip: once you've got your ankle up against your bum, experiment a little with different hip positions/alignments on that side. i found that it's real easy to do a real basic form of that stretch and move on without really hitting the muscles that much. when i started holding the pose and then sort of rolling my hip joint forward or sideways or even downwards on that side, the difference was huge. especially pushing that joint just a little bit downwards; oh wow. i discovered pockets of tightness that way which i didn't even know about because they were so bad i was not 'feeling' it.

    if this doesn't help, you might want to keep looking. i have a form suggestion as well which helped me, but i'll hold it in case none of this feels like it's relevant to your own case.
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    @coltsgirl In order of preference for squats (and performance), running shoes would be down at the very bottom IMO. They're too cushy - they compress with the weight and your balance gets rocked for no reason. Anything with a high contour (don't know how else to say that, but think basketball shoes, or walking boots) is also not a good idea since it will temper with your ankle mobility (which you need to go as low as possible).

    Flat shoes would come next as at least your foot is resting on something a little more stable - the harder/thinner the sole, the better.

    No shoes or minimalist shoes come to mind next. If you've never squatted barefoot, give it a try with bodyweight. Being able to grip the ground with your toes adds a good bit of stability! (But most gym don't like that - liability reasons. Even though dropping a weight on your foot with or without shoes really doesn't make a damn difference. It hurts either way!)

    And then you have the oly lifting shoes with the hard raised heel which will compensate for lack of ankle mobility and help you get down lower without the unsettling imbalance of squishy shoes. But those are typically rather expensive and shouldn't be necessary unless a previous injury prevents you from working up to the mobility you need to hit parallel.


    thanks Krokador! I am basically using Chuck Taylor's (They're actually DC shoes, but look exactly the same as Chuck's). I might try barefoot (this guy suggested that too, but I feel a little weird about it).

  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member

    come and hang out with us in the pullup-project thread? picking out some accessories towards that goal and working on them could be a good way of using the extra time you'll have while you're not able to follow sl. hope it gets better soon.
    Righto! Will do.

    Ankle is better, woot! I think I just hyperextended something so it was very minor. No pain whatsoever on Tues or Wed so I went ahead and did my lifts today. Well I guess tomorrow will tell me if it was REALLY better but I think it's fine.

    Squats - 6x5@repeat 65lbs. Went ahead and did a repeat since I have not lifted since Sat. Did an extra set because my form on first three sets was AWFUL. I didn't really hit my groove until set 4. Not sure what was up.
    I am really really having trouble with pain in my hip joint. Right side, where my leg meets my groin, on the inside. I haven't even done squats since Sat but still it started instantly hurting. I'm warming up with cardio 10-15min and doing some stretches, but I can't figure out what is up. Form problem? Just weak? Ugh

    OHP - pretty bad at this today. 3x6, 1x4, 1x5 at 45lbs which is all I can ever do :( I could barely hit the 6 reps and as you can see, I failed to hit five on my set 4. I'm just going to keep doing this weight for a long time until I can hit 5x8.

    Deadlift - Yay! my favorite! New weight of 125 and I did 12-14, I lost count. That first one was tough though!! I am pretty nervous about 135, but also excited because if I hit 135 I will be lifting more than my body weight!
    I can see now how people are complaining about their grip, it was REALLY hard to hold onto the bar. It feels like the skin of my hands is going to rip right off. 135 sounds so scary now. Big girl plates!!
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    Next workout I am going to record my squats because by knees are killing me and others have said that your knees should not hurt on SL. I don't have proper shoes yet so I did it in socks today hoping that would help but it didn't...

    i got horrible prepatellar (on top of kneecap) pain when i was at about the weight that you're at; had to take a week or two off.

    check to see whether stretching and rolling the snot out of your quad muscles helps you any. for me, i got convinced that this was the best path for me to follow because for a while after i did any serious quad stretch the pain would be less. i now stretch them fanatically even between sets on squats, and it seems to be holding the problem off unless i get lazy.

    in the standing stretch, i just have one extra tip: once you've got your ankle up against your bum, experiment a little with different hip positions/alignments on that side. i found that it's real easy to do a real basic form of that stretch and move on without really hitting the muscles that much. when i started holding the pose and then sort of rolling my hip joint forward or sideways or even downwards on that side, the difference was huge. especially pushing that joint just a little bit downwards; oh wow. i discovered pockets of tightness that way which i didn't even know about because they were so bad i was not 'feeling' it.

    if this doesn't help, you might want to keep looking. i have a form suggestion as well which helped me, but i'll hold it in case none of this feels like it's relevant to your own case.

    Thank you! That prepattellar (which I have never heard of, but googled it) is excatly where the pain is coming from. I have pretty bad knees too that creak when they bend. I'll try these stretches and post of video so you all can check my form.

    I have watched form videos until I am blue in the face and my workout partner says it seems like I am doing them right, but she is no pro, so we both could be wrong.

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Thank you! That prepattellar (which I have never heard of, but googled it) is excatly where the pain is coming from.

    i'm crossing my fingers for you, then. if this is your issue, then the basic idea behind it is that your quads are far too powerful, and they're putting a hurt on your knees because of the way that they stretch right over the kneecap and push down on it. stretching and rolling 'weakens' them so they can't do as much harm.

    as far as form, i don't know if anyone would have been able to see the factor that was messing me up just by watching my reps. i was tracking correctly over my feet, and not letting my knees go past them. but in order to give my kneecaps a break, i basically had to find a way to keep my quads 'out of' the lift, and the best way that i've found to do that is to plant my feet really hard and then shove outwards throughout the whole length of my legs and especially my thighs.

    the force in the lift needs to feel like it's coming from my outer thigh muscles and travelling down the outer sides of my legs, entering the floor through the outer edges of my footsoles. people will talk about 'trying to split the floor apart with your feet' and it's the right thing to look for, but i still found a way of applying that wrong. i now place my feet hip-width apart but parallel to one another, pointing straight forwards instead. and the feeling i try to reach for when it comes to that 'push outwards' thing is: while i'm squatting down, i try to make it like i'm in some narrow chimney, and all i've got to help control the speed of my descent is by shoving my thighs against the walls of the chimney to slow myself down. i couldn't believe how this actually does take a lot of the 'weight' of the lift off my knees.

    ymmv, and sorry for wall of text in the daily-update thread.
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    SJKirk51912 I would say quads are taking to much of the load also. If your glutes and hamstring are weak or dormant the quads will do that. Do some stretching and rolling of the quads and do some leg lifts or glute bridges(say 3x20 reps each day) to get the posterior chain taking the load. I had that issue and now i feel them contract ALL THE TIME. Bonus.. Love how my butt is looking from all the glute work. ;)

    Also, play around with squat to get the right bottom position. Everyone is a little different. Canadianlbs said shes better with feet hip-width apart but parallel to one another but I have to have mine wider than hip and turned out 90 degrees or so. If fact the glute guy, Bret Contreras posted this this morning.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    lotsa stuff about knees

    going into all this again this afternoon made me more honest and conscientious myself when i went to do my own workout today. and it really paid off, so thanks.

    general note: i figured out (probably) what my glute problem was. piriformis stretching! i honestly, really, should have known this by now. but i've been neglecting that stretch; they've been tight as heck, and it's no wonder my glutes couldn't really show up for the game in my squats. fixed that for me in tonight's workout.

    workout a:

    double-cable pulldowns: i usually do this whenever, but this time around the gym was crowded so i did them first while third in line for the rack. also, it felt like my shoulders were tight or something and ready to give me aggravation for squats if not warmed up first. this is turning into a lot of volume and a fair bit of time, but worth it. 3x5x27.5, 3x5@30. all sets were 5 reps, and every set actually happened twice: once overhand and once underhand. plus, the '3' denotes close grip, mid-grip and wide as i could reach them. i really feel that i am getting stronger with this, as 30lb would have been out of reach for sure, a few weeks ago. hardest part is the last inch or two before touching the chest, but i really did try to get each rep there, and then hold it a few seconds and release slowly. lots of work, but i'm motivated now there are other pullup fans here.

    squats: whooohoo. pr again! and also, the weight i was doing way back in june when i wobbled and caved in and did something bad to one knee. so kind of a bogeyman weight in my mind. none of that going on here tonight; i was solid. 2x5@45, 1x5@65, 6x5@85. after the piriformis stretching, my glutes are back in town and i really felt them, particularly in that snap at the top of the lift to lock the rep out. the extra set was an accident; somebody else asked to work in when i was halfway through and i kind of lost track of where i was while we were working that out. anyway: if i can match this same weight next time i'm going to mark down this goal for october as a success.

    bench: not so great today, but i don't mind too much. 2x5@45, 1x5@65, 1x3@65, 3x5@60. i deloaded back to last time's weight (60) after realising 65 was just too heavy for me to be safe. there was a lunatic in the gym with biceps that kind of horribly huge they look really troubling. i really really really wanted him to curl in the squat rack because was so That Kind Of Guy. but he didn't; he came and curled 15 reps of 100 pounds or something so close to my bench that i couldn't get properly set or feel safe the whole time. it was hard to get his attention too; i honestly wanted to ask him 'how do you ever take your eyes off yourself in the mirror long enough to earn a living?' but instead i just said dude - can you give me a few extra inches of space when i finally did manage to flag him down. not a great lift this time, but there was the morphodite factor and anyway 60 was my october goal on this one, so i'm cool.

    rows: i am giving up on the pendlay rows. i'm not going to try them again; it's just too difficult for me to get set up right and then find the right form and then keep the form right. i did warmups and i think one set of 65 in pendlay format, then moved to the dual-pulley machine and did 6x5@35 with a bar, which translates to a repeat of last time's 70 pounds.


    planks: 2x60 sec front (much easier), 1x45 side. i've been sloppy about planks for a week (i.e. haven't done them). so it was good for me to look back on my october goals and be reminded i'd said these were in the programme. and nice to find that the week off didn't do any harm. i was way less exhausted after each one than even 3 weeks ago.

    assisted pullup: 1x5@60lb assist (neutral close grip, and medium wide), 1x5@50lb assist (same). i don't think i did them both over- and underhand, but i'm not going to fuss about it. also one full s-l-o-w negative pullup in the smith machine, unassisted.

    i'm really happy about the pullups. when i first got introduced to that assist machine, pre-sl, i weighed 135 and the best assist weight i ever got to was 80, i think. today i weighed 130 and my assist was only 50. so i am definitely getting stronger and better at this.

    tired now. sleepy.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Hi all

    Am back from rest week!

    Lifted on Wednesday and again tonight - here's tonight's numbers

    Squat 5x5 @ 135lbs
    OHP 5x5 @ 55lbs - working on form
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 165lbs

    Feel good despite dropping my calories recently - food does nothing for me at the moment. *sigh* :'(
  • murj22
    murj22 Posts: 5 Member
    Squat - repeated 5x5 @ 65 lbs to work on form. My butt wiggles back and forth a bit on the way up. The weight doesn't FEEL too heavy, I can get through the sets okay, but I'm guessing the wiggling butt thing has to do with the weight.

    Row - 5x5 @ 55 lbs

    Bench Press - 5x5 @ 55 lbs - struggled with this one a bit, so will probably repeat next time.

    Crazy how I can actually notice the gains in strength in such a short period of time. At the start I could barely move the 45 lb bar. I had to ask for help to move it on and off the rack. Now I'm feeling pretty bad*** moving it around with relative ease. Now if I could just get it over my head...damn OHP.
  • meglo91
    meglo91 Posts: 65 Member
    Did my 4th workout today. Am loving, LOVING Stronglifts. So simple. So elegant.

    Today was Workout A so:

    Squats 75 lbs 5x5
    Bench 80 lbs 5x5
    Barbell Rows 80 lbs 5x5

    Squats are still super easy and will be, I imagine, until I get up to around 140 or 150 lbs, since I've been doing those for some time. The bench is getting harder, as are the rows. Looking forward to really working hard on those in coming workouts.

    Agree that Krokador's workouts are awesome/terrifying. Went and looked up "sit-outs" after reading her post. Looks awesome but, confusingly, has nothing to do with sitting. I was thinking this was going to be a Garfield-type exercise, but no luck.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    threnjen wrote: »
    I am really really having trouble with pain in my hip joint. Right side, where my leg meets my groin, on the inside. I haven't even done squats since Sat but still it started instantly hurting.

    i knew there was something i wanted to come back to here. i'm NOT a medical person in any sense, but i have rheumatoid arthritis and have actually had some phases where it was affecting one hip.

    . so i'm in a position to know that if something is 'wrong' with the hip joint itself, the pain will 'refer' itself outwards and be experienced by the victim in front of the groin. pretty much exactly where the seam of your undies would run, if you wear anything other than granny panties. i mention it because i remember how i argued with the rheumatologist forever because the pain didn't feel all that 'deep' and i thought she was just full of *kitten* (in my defence, she so frequently is). i kept insisting and insisting that it was some kind of a soft-tissue thing, i.e. ligaments, muscles, some kind of a sprain. but when they had me on the table and shot dyed novocaine into the actual capsule around the joint while letting me watch on the screen, i drank the kool aid because that convinced me.

    you may have an impingement due to the structure of your personal hips/pelvic socket, so slight changes in foot/thigh alignment during the squats lead you to finding a way around this. but if you really can't seem to find a solution, just don't keep assuming you'd be fine if you could just get something 'right'. let a doctor take a look if it goes to that point. hips are nothing to mess with; they can really lay a good hurt on you.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Squats: warm up + 5@60,80,95,110, 2@125, 1@125, 8@90
    Bench: 5@45,45,50,55, 3@65, 8@55
    Rows: 5@45,50,55,65, 3@75, 8@65
    Single leg glute bridges: 30 seconds each side
    Donkey kicks: 30 seconds each side

    It's taken me ages to get to 125lbs on my squats (1.15 bw), but I finally did it and with relatively good form. I was getting pretty tired by the time that set came along. I messed up the last rep because I'm super short and I accidentally hit the safeties and lost the tightness in my core :'( . I'm still counting that as a success, though lol.

    Have an awesome weekend ladies and keep on killing those workouts!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I was feeling really tired and dragged out last night so I moved squats to today and did that and bench.
    Squat 160 X 3 175 X 3 and 195 X 4
    Bench 75 X 3 85 X 3 and 95 X 3

    Straightleg deadlifts, burpees. 5 x10
    Then I was going to do 2 of my bench day Accesories but I was done after all the deadlifts, I might do some upper body work tomorrow, but probably not lol.