

  • I enjoy seeing the # every morning. But I only add my weigh in here once a week. I do NOT choose the lowest weight per week and enter that. I just put whatever I weigh on my check in day.

    After a while (closer to your goal weight) it will not be good to focus on the numbers. At that point you should be measuring and seeing how clothes fit / how you feel energy-wise and so on. When you are very close to your healthiest weight, you will see the numbers start to go back up (!!) or stay the same, because you are successfully replacing your fat space, with good ol' muscle.

    Best of luck on your journey! Feel free to weigh each morn!
    I agree! I was totally stoked each day in the beginning of my weight loss because it was falling off. My weight fluctuates DRASTICALLY each day.Now it frustrates me to weigh every day. Although when I know I am doing well I weigh a few times a week and sometimes only weigh when I can FEEL my progress, whether it's in definition, strength, inches or well heck, if my clothes are falling off! haha Do it as it works for you and if you find yourself getting discouraged put the scale away for a while and just push yourself HARD to get a GREAT result when you do step on it again. :-D
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