30 Day Shred Challenge!



  • I go to my exercises and create it as: "30 Day Shred - Level1" and then input the time and calories. I hope that helps:)
  • I've gotten one thing out of this 30 Day Shred so far...

    Jumping Jacks are the DEVIL! (The worst part of this whole thing for me is those stupid jumping jacks!). I'm also pretty lame at push-ups. But I always have been anyway. :)

    Day 5 tomorrow! :)
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Day #9, ladies!! We are officially almost 1/3 of the way there! Aside from a few small aches and pains, I'm feeling pretty good. Looking forward to a change of pace with level 2, and I'm hoping to complete some "real" pushups in my final level 1 workout tomorrow. I have noticed an improvement in my strength already, so I'm excited to see what the next 20 days have in store!! How is everyone else doing??
  • aimlow
    aimlow Posts: 39 Member
    I finally got back to this thread.
    I am a little sore all day in my muscles but I think I can already see and feel the differences. I am finding the cardio easier each day and I can now do a few 'girly' push ups. I can't wait to finish the 30 days and see the difference.
    I missed Saturday but did a double on Sunday to make up for it. I must say my body felt so much less painful for a day off.

    How many calories is every one burning ?
    I am doing 160 - 180, I have been doing a mix of level one and two depending on how I feel.

  • I everyone! I am just over half way through... I started Jan 12 ... and I have noticed results! Not so much in weight loss, more in endurance and ability to do some of the plyo routines....:smile:
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Hi everyone. I've been researching the 30 day shred and thinking about starting it soon. I would be really interested, for those who followed through for the whole month, whether you saw significant weight loss? Or other benefits?
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