Calling you busy mommas.



  • I hop on a treadmill and run to television after the kid is in bed. There are cheap treadmills to be had on craigslist, and you can vary your workout many different ways.
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    I either use my treadmill while they are napping. Or I will play with them (throwing the ball back and forth, dancing, running through the house literally lol), also I do my workout videos while they are awake and they like to do them with me. They just hop around really, but it lets me do the videos and still keep an eye on them. Also, walks in the stroller if the weather permits it. If you can't take a walk outside go to a mall and walk around with them in the stroller. Mine are 3 and almost 2 so it can be challenging but it is fun too :) Good luck!
  • Shybea81
    Shybea81 Posts: 67 Member
    Now that my son is almost 4 it's hard to do things without him wanting to be involved. Which is wonderful and fun for all things but workouts, since mommy apparently is great to climb when doing any workout close to the ground. So a little over a month ago I moved my elliptical into my bedroom and set the DVR up to record old Batman episodes with Adam West. He gets to watch his favorite show and mommy gets in a nice 45 min workout. As a bonus the TV time seems to calm his energy down before bed and since I'm still in the room with him he seems to "need" me less. Good luck finding what works best for you. =)
  • Hi! I totally understand what you're going through. Being a mom of 3 and having 2 of them home all day w/ me, it can get very busy and very hard to get a workout in. My advice is, just like everything else, you HAVE to make the time. Sometimes I have to put something else off in order to get my workout in. Or, since yours isn't going to school yet, get up like 30 mins earlier and do your workout then. As far as what workout....well, I got me the Wii Fit Plus for Christmas and it's both fun and burns calories. I'm in a spot right now also...trying to motivate myself to get up right away and get everyone dressed so we can take a trip to the gym. If you can find a gym w/ free babysitting, it helps lots. I use the local YMCA...with a membership the babysitting is free. Hope it helped. :)
  • I have trouble squeezing in workouts with my son too. Now that he is in school I have developed the habit of going to the gym just after I drop him off at 8AM to get 40 minutes in before I start my work day. The gym I joined has babysitting from 4-7 PM and I try to take one of the classes available at that time 3 days a week, dancing or swimming usually.

    I have trouble finding time to exercise on the weekends though. The gym has few to no babysitting hours those days. As a pastor Saurdays and Sundays are full work days for me and I don't have school or daycare for my son. I manage my service Sunday only because my son is in Sunday School. If his teacher is sick or he has no class he has a bag of things to do and a snack to keep him busy until I am done. My son has developed a fondness for the communion bread and grape juice though and I have to keep a very sharp eye on him and reinforce his good behavior while mommy is busy... or he wants to sneak behind my back while I am preaching and snack on it (I'm not kidding!). I am Deaf and do my service in ASL and when I am focused on preaching to my congregation it is quite easy to forget he is there and not realize he is getting into mischief. Sometimes my congregants catch him before I do!

    The snow days (no school) and snowy weekends are the worst for me. Spring, Summer and Fall I used to take my son to the playground Saturday or Sunday afternoons and take my reading or my Bible and a notepad and pen, or my cell phone and a list of people I needed to call and my date book with me. Then I'd read and jot ideas and notes while keeping an eye on him as he played. But winters have been tricky. I struggle to find time for appointments and visits I need to make and meetings I need to attend, much less when to squeeze exercise into my schedule.

    I like the idea of involving my son in my exercise time and some of the video and you tube ideas mentioned though :-) I plan to try some of those! Monday is supposed to be a snowy day...maybe I'll try them out this coming week!
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