Lose 10 pounds in February? You bet we can!!!!



  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    Screen name: Carcar63
    Goal for February 28th: 305
    Februrary 1st (SW) 314.6
    February 8th 313.6
    February 15th 314.6
    February 22nd
    February 28th

    okay went up a pound. I feel like I keep going up and down the same pound or two, it's starting to get fustrating :grumble: , but I will keep trying, I'm not going to give up like I would have in the past. I know I can do this.

    So, do you think I can still lose the 10lbs by the end of the month? Maybe at least get close.
  • hmm only challenge i can think of is maybe trying to reach 1000 crunches by the end of the week..or to do 100 a day? just a suggestion
    That would be great....I'm up for it :happy:

    I think that's a fab idea.
    CHALLENGE: 1000 crunches by the end of the week. Check back in and let us know how you are getting on!

    I like this challenge!

    Just a tip to anyone who wants to intensify or change their crunch a little bit:

    1- Do your crunches on a yoga ball (I've been doing these and they are hard!) they really target your stabilizing core muscles while you crunch.

    2- lay on your side with your legs slightly bent (for increased crunch hold your top leg still bent but slightly raised), with your top arm just place your hand against the back of your head and use your bent elbow to lead the crunch...as you crunch, try to touch your elbow to your hip (this creates a great side crunch!)

    3- for anyone wanting to increase even more, straighten your top leg and point it (leading with toe or heel) out in front of you. creating an L- shape with your body.

    even though this week I seem to be above my last weigh-in, I am going to put my head down and do the work! I think I exceeded my calorie count for several days in a row. Maybe that's why i didn't lose.

    anyhow- keep up the good work everyone!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Well I know I am way up, I just want to give it one more day for the offical damage done.......:-)

    I will catch up later this evening and weigh in tomorrow when hopefully all the high sodim I consume over the weekend and yesterday is gone.

    Keep up the good work!

    :wink: BTW - Please keep in mind -- that the thread is coming to 500 posts and will automatically take you to part 2. Just follow the instructions in the last post. MFP automatically locks a thread at 500 posts.
  • Well I know I am way up, I just want to give it one more day for the offical damage done.......:-)

    I will catch up later this evening and weigh in tomorrow when hopefully all the high sodim I consume over the weekend and yesterday is gone.

    Keep up the good work!

    :wink: BTW - Please keep in mind -- that the thread is coming to 500 posts and will automatically take you to part 2. Just follow the instructions in the last post. MFP automatically locks a thread at 500 posts.

    hahhahaha, yes, I don't think this weekend was good for most people ;) At least you enjoyed the Valentine's Day though!!

    I'm sure you'll be pleased with tomorrow's results. You've done a great job so far, not only in progress, but also just being a great encouragement to everyone! Thank you!
  • bri293
    bri293 Posts: 92
    Nice challenge for this week! 1000 crunches is definitely a lot. I did 100 for today... only 900 more to go this week! Wow, that sounds like a lot :laugh:
  • poarche
    poarche Posts: 62 Member
    Looks like its going okay, just need to drop 3lbs by February 22nd!

    Screen name: poarche
    Goal for February 28th: 173
    February 1st (starting weight): 183
    February 8th: 182
    February 15th: 180
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:
  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    got 150 crunches in today
  • Screen name:SunshineCherie
    Goal for February 28th:120
    February 1st (starting weight):130
    February 8: 128
    February 15: 128

    Okay so I haven't lost any in the last week. My pants are fitting looser so maybe there are some inches gone. Fingers crossed.
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    hooah_mj - great suggestion for 10000 steps per day. Let's do that next week so dig out your pedometers people!!. 100 crunches per day this week. Just about to do mine!!

    Mollie1037 - thanks for the reminder about the 500 posts! We sure are an active group! If anyone gets lost when it rolls over to part 2 message me (or any of us) in the group and we'll point you in the right direction.

    I'm doing the table so please get your weigh ins posted!

    2Y4T x
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    hooah_mj - great suggestion for 10000 steps per day. Let's do that next week so dig out your pedometers people!!. 100 crunches per day this week. Just about to do mine!!

    Mollie1037 - thanks for the reminder about the 500 posts! We sure are an active group! If anyone gets lost when it rolls over to part 2 message me (or any of us) in the group and we'll point you in the right direction.

    I'm doing the table so please get your weigh ins posted!

    2Y4T x

    Finally a challenge I can at least shoot for.........:-) I don't know if I can do it every day but I will definitely shoot for the 10K steps a day next week. I will take pedometer out today or tomorrow to start.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Screen name: Mollie1037
    Goal for February 28th:343
    February 1st: 353
    February 8th: 351
    February 15th: 357 :grumble:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:

    I gained 6 pounds.:grumble: Actually 9 from Friday weigh in. I still believe a few of those pounds are sodium but I did not want to skip a weigh in and I wanted to own the gain. This is a part of the process and lifestyle.

    Owning up to the gain is good for us and not beating ourselves up about it. It is what it is and a gain is not a failure. Failure is giving up and not learning from the experience. That is one of the things I have learned over the years of trying to lose weight. Consistency over time is key and not perfection.

    Many who try to lose weight fall into the trap of thinking they need to be perfect to succeed. I have seen it with some of you. When you are hot you are full of enthusiasm and words of encouragement, etc. But when you are not doing “good” you are quiet and can’t forgive yourself or brush it off as you are human and not perfect. Some just kind of drop of the scene like they sinned, committed a crime, or they are too ashamed. Shame is useful for reflection, but again dwelling on the negatives will get you nowhere.

    It would be good for the group and yourself that when you gain, you talk about it. Not talking about it means you feel you did something bad. There is no bad for relapse and lapses. That is why you rarely hear me say I was bad today or last week. I was not bad when I make poor choices. It was a choice I made and making them does not make me a bad person and the same goes for anyone who has gained weight. It does not pay to make excuses either but it is worse to beat yourself up and withdraw because you have a bad week or 2 or 3. Just keep getting back up and that is success. Never giving up will get you to your 10 pounds lost or to any goal you have in life.

    I fell right back into one of my habits of celebrating my success with food. So I finally reached my 40 pound milestone last Friday so what did I do I celebrated the whole weekend and Monday. Had a bunch of jive I knew was bad. I didn't log and I did not step on scale. It is normal for me not to log on the weekends and I usually splurge on weekends also, but within reason. I knew I was off the chain this weekend! I learn from the experience and back on the stick yesterday.

    My take away from my 9 pound gain is no more 4 day splurges for Mollie!:laugh: 2nd take away is I will be weighing daily or most days for sure. This works best for me because I know I am a food addict and the one thing that will help me put the brakes on is the scale.

    For over 30 years I never weighed myself. We did not even have a scale in the house growing up. I was in weight denial and I never want to go back to those days. The director of my weight loss surgery program made me buy a scale over 6 years ago and he really demands that his patients weigh daily. I learned a lot about my eating by doing this before my WLS. I can honestly say once I get over the normal fluctuations of the scale the scale is my friend.:happy: I don't believe I would have ever gained back the 80 pounds I did after my WLS if I had continued to faithfully weigh myself daily. So back to a good habit for Mollie. Weighing daily does not work for many. But the studies do show and confirm that it does for many of us and this is what helps many keep their lost weight off.

    My last take away is I have to find another way to celebrate my weight loss success. It is so automatic for me to celebrate anything with food.

    Congrats to all the losers!!!:flowerforyou: I see many of you had an awesome week!!!

    Good job maintainers!!:drinker: you did something right to maintain!

    Don't give up gainers! You can do it! Just get back on program today or as soon as you can. Today is better than tomorrow. The next meal is better than tomorrow.

    Have a good week everyone!! :flowerforyou:

  • Mollie1037 - I so admire your attitude! You are such an inspiration! Keep it up you can do it! :happy: I also weigh daily and it is definitely the best thing *for me*. I lost all of this weight 10 years ago......then gained it back. When I weigh myself daily I keep myself accountable. I am used to the daily fluctuations of the scale and don't allow it to get me down....MOST of the time. :wink: We all have our days though.

    Things are going well here. I am just at a point right now where I am on a roll and I have to be careful to not get too obsessed. I got all of my miles in last week. I won't be participating in this week's challenge. Right now my plate is full with C25K, 30 day shred, extra walking, five kids and my dh is getting his wisdom teeth out tomorrow. :laugh: I guess if I counted I probably am already doing 100 crunches of different kinds a day with the 30 day shred. :smile:

    Keep encouraged everyone! :happy:
  • Veggie_Eloise
    Veggie_Eloise Posts: 99 Member
    Sorry couldn't get to the computer yesterday!!

    Yesterday I weighed in at 186.5lbs :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Mollie1037 - I so admire your attitude! You are such an inspiration! Keep it up you can do it! :happy: I also weigh daily and it is definitely the best thing *for me*. I lost all of this weight 10 years ago......then gained it back. When I weigh myself daily I keep myself accountable. I am used to the daily fluctuations of the scale and don't allow it to get me down....MOST of the time. :wink: We all have our days though.

    Things are going well here. I am just at a point right now where I am on a roll and I have to be careful to not get too obsessed. I got all of my miles in last week. I won't be participating in this week's challenge. Right now my plate is full with C25K, 30 day shred, extra walking, five kids and my dh is getting his wisdom teeth out tomorrow. :laugh: I guess if I counted I probably am already doing 100 crunches of different kinds a day with the 30 day shred. :smile:

    Keep encouraged everyone! :happy:

    Thank you and you are soooo right about MOST of the time.......:happy: That little scale can be a devil:devil: sometimes. Hard to figure it out when we know we are doing everything right and it will not cooperate.

    You keep up the good work yourself!
  • delllis06
    delllis06 Posts: 18 Member
    Screen name: delllis06
    Goal for February 28th: 170
    February 1st: 180.6 (starting this month)
    February 8th: 180.5
    February 15th: 181.3 :grumble:
    February 22nd:
    February 28th:
  • Screen name - Lacole216
    Goal for February 28th - 196 lbs.
    February 1st (starting weight) - 206 lbs.
    February 8th - 205 lbs.
    February 15th - 206 lbs. :ohwell: I'm back at square one & late with my post! Let's see how next week goes :smile:
  • Screen Name: MissLadyInWaiting
    Febuary 1st - 159lbs
    Febuary 8th - 158lbs
    Febuary 15th - 159lbs :(

    goal for Febuary 22th - 156lbs
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Ok fellow losers, the moment of truth...
    THE TABLE!!!



    Please note, if you weren't on the original table then you won't be on it now - sorry guys.

    If I have got any of the info wrong please MAIL me.

    2Y4T x
  • Katybun3
    Katybun3 Posts: 172
    Oh yes please...that would bring me to my goal :drinker:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Ok fellow losers, the moment of truth...
    THE TABLE!!!



    Please note, if you weren't on the original table then you won't be on it now - sorry guys.

    If I have got any of the info wrong please MAIL me.

    2Y4T x

    Thanks!! & thanks for making the chart larger too!! Not sure if that is because people dropped off or not but it is definitely nice....:-) It looks like some dropped off.

    I guess I will not make my 10 this month but I will shoot for 4 to 5. I will take just getting back to 348.....:-)

    Congrats everyone!!! Awesome job!!:bigsmile:
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